Life Flips

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Miranda was now almost eight months pregnant and she was feeling antsy because decorating the nursery had become a family affair. She just wanted to get things done but Ben's family insisted they wait until they came for the baby shower before doing anything so they could help. She made Ben go ahead and paint the room so at least the major thing would be done.

The baby shower was this weekend and they had been letting Vanessa plan it from a far. Honestly she was grateful because it seemed like the third trimester of pregnancy was becoming more difficult. Her feet were swelling more and she found herself being out of breath more lately.

Miranda came home from the hospital and she walked to the nursery like always so she could imagine what it will be like when the baby comes. When she got to the door she gasped seeing that the gold crib she ordered was up and the rocking chair. Ben was standing there hanging the pictures and wall decor that they'd purchase. He had installed the French wall panels and with the floral wall paper inside of it. And the crème curtains were the perfect contrast to all the pink and gold in the room.

"Benjamin Warren," Miranda said poking her lips out and tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hey baby. I know you've been frustrated about the room not being done so I decided to go ahead and do it how you wanted it," Ben explained as he hugged her and kissed her lips.

"Thank you, this makes me feel so much better," Miranda said as she rubbed his chest and he leaned down to kiss her lips.

Miranda sat down in the rocking chair  rubbed her belly as she watched Ben do everything. "Ben we hadn't settled on a name for her and she is due soon."

"I know....I was thinking we could use her sister's name or is that not a good idea?"

"It could be her middle name and she have her own first name."

Ben pondered for a second, "I like the name Menna."

Miranda took out her phone and looked up the meaning of the name. She gasped and her eyes began to water. "Her name means gift of God," Miranda said in a whisper.

Ben's eyes welled up with tears as well knowing that their daughter was indeed a gift from God and that name would be perfect for her.

"Menna Daniella Warren," they said together.

The day of the baby shower came and Miranda woke up to the sounds of her in laws moving around the house. They always woke up just as early as she and Ben. Miranda sat up, rubbed her belly and daydreamed about holding her baby. It was still hard to fathom what her life had become in the past two years and she was extremely grateful. There was a knock on their bedroom door before it opened and Ben walked in with Gia holding his hand.

"Good morning Ms. Gia, how are you?" Miranda cooed and the one year old smiled as Ben lifted her onto the bed.

"I figured you would just relax all morning with Gia while we prepare for the baby shower," Ben said as he kissed her forehead.

"Well Menna and I are hungry so can I go relax in the kitchen?" Miranda asked.

Ben moved out of the way and motioned towards the door. Miranda placed Gia on her hip and walked to the kitchen.

After they ate breakfast, Miranda did just as Ben told her and relaxed until it was time for the baby shower. She got dressed in her pink, Parisian themed outfit. And she placed the pink hat on her head to match. As she stood in the mirror and did her makeup her mom came in the room.

"Hey Mandy," Elaina said.

"Hey momma, I'm almost done. Is mostly everyone here?

"It looks like it and Vanessa has the backyard decorated so beautifully," Elaina praised.

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