Safe Secrets

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Miranda sat in the lobby waiting for Ben to show up for their first official ultrasound appointment. They were also going to do the NIPT test to see the gender of the baby. Miranda turned when she heard the door fly open and her husband busting through causing all the other patients to look at him awkwardly.

"Sorry....sorry," Ben said as he made his way over to Miranda and sat down.
"Sorry baby I got here as fast as I could," Ben said as he kissed her cheek.

Miranda's name was called and she was taken to an exam room. Ben helped her get onto the table and they waited for Dr. Lollis to come in.

Miranda was just staring at the wall when Ben asked her "You excited baby?" Ben asked.

Miranda looked at him and smiled, "I am."


"Ummm I'm scared, the very first time I went through this even though I had my mom and dad I felt alone. Then with Tuck I was kind of numb and just so focused on my career so much so that sometimes I forgot I was even pregnant. This time I have you and it just brings back all the memories of Daniella. And the way you weren't there and I know it's going to be good this time but I just keep thinking of that time," Miranda said getting emotional.

Ben stood up, hugged her and kissed her forehead. "We are going to make this experience as beautiful and as magical as possible okay."

"Okay," Miranda replied and have Ben a smile.

There was a knock on the door and Dr. Lollis walked in. "Good afternoon, ready to do these labs? I'm going to do the NIPT test for the gender but I'm also going to be checking your iron and hemoglobin because you will probably need another transfusion so your heart rate won't do what it did last time."

Miranda nodded in agreement as Dr. Lollis began drawing blood. "Okay I'm going to go get these to the lab, did you still want to do another ultrasound or wait a few more weeks?"

"We can wait, we really just want the test results," Miranda explained.

"Okay what I can do is call you with the results when they come in."

Ben and Miranda left the doctors office and as they made it to the car Ben held her hand as he helped her get in. Once she was in he looked at Miranda with a smile.

"I took the rest of the day off in hopes that we get the results today."

"I did too so that I can indulge in the urge to go shopping when we get the news," Miranda replied.

"Ben oh my gosh she is going to be younger than her niece or nephew," Miranda said.

"That has happened and probably still happens all the time baby."

"I'm going to be a grandma and a new mom all over again. This just feels so unreal."

"It is real my love,"Ben said kissing her hand.

"Want to make the rest of the day a date and we could shop for unisex items until we get the results," Miranda suggested.

Ben held Miranda's hand as they walked into a baby store and Miranda began picking up cute baby clothes. Ben watched as she admired the clothes and he smiled.

"Ben....I didn't get to do this with you the first time. The first time I was so miserable and depressed that my parents wouldn't let me tell you," Miranda shared as she placed the outfit back down.

"I know baby but we get to do all the things this time around. We can be as extra or as laidback about this process as you want to be."

They found white onesies and some cute yellow and blue unisex ones with air balloons and clouds on it. They brought wipes, diapers, bottles and bath stuff. As they looked at cribs and strollers Miranda scrunched up her face and rubbed her belly.

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