Anywhere With You

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Miranda sat in her office on New Years Eve going over paper work when her phone rang. When she saw that it was her husband FaceTiming her she quickly picked up.

"Hey Benjamin," Miranda smiled happy to see his face.

"Hey baby. I have some down time so I wanted to see your face before we get another call," Ben said leaning back against the headboard.

"Awww thank you for thinking about me," Miranda replied.

"How could I not think about the love of my life," Ben said putting his hand behind his head.

Just as they were continuing their conversation the alarm in the firehouse rung and Ben jumped up.

"Alright baby, if I don't talk to you before 12am Happy New Year and I love you."

"Happy New Year, be safe and I love you," Miranda said before Ben hung up.

Miranda fully expected for it to be a busy night in the emergency department and she sadly was correct about that assumption. People were coming in left and right for injuries, intoxication, and MVCs. By morning Miranda was trying to decide if she was just going to nap in her office or tough it out and drive home. Just as she was about to decide her phone rang.

"Hey baby. I got home an hour ago and I was waiting for you," Ben said with a sleepily voice.

"Ummm you just helped me make my decision to drive home instead of staying here to nap," Miranda said.

"Woman if you don't bring your fine self home and get in this bed with me. That couch isn't going to hold you like me."

"I know but I'm so tried and I didn't want to be sleepy while driving."

"Well just go get in the car and stay on the phone with me until you get here my love."

"Okay," Miranda said as she gathered her things and walked out of her office.

Miranda made it home and she didn't hang up the phone until she was standing in her bedroom door staring at her husband. He sat up off the bed and walked over to her, giving her a hug and kiss. Miranda groaned wishing she could literally melt into her husband because of the way his simple hug eased the stress and tension she felt in her body.

Ben lovingly massaged her back as he held her and kissed her forehead. Miranda laid against his chest before standing straight and taking a deep breath.

"You need a massage and comfort just as much as me. Let me go take a quick shower and then we can sleep the day away," Miranda grinned.

"Oh really, I thought you didn't like sleeping the day away."

"No Benjamin that's you who doesn't like sleeping the day away and you constantly tell me to not let you sleep the whole day."

"Well in my heart and mind I want to get up and be productive on my off day. But my body tells me to just lay in bed."

"Yeah well I'm going to listen to my body," Miranda said as she got naked and walked into the bathroom.

Ben watched as she took off her clothes and he knew he would never not be attracted to his wife's plus size curvy body. He licked his lips watching her booty jiggle as she walked into the bathroom.

"I want to listen to my body too, it's saying I should join you," Ben said loudly and Miranda laughed.

Once Miranda was done with her shower she came out and Ben helped her to moisturize her skin. She loved that he enjoyed taking care of her in these simple ways. He took his time rubbing the lotion into her skin and when he was done he grabbed a black and purple floral night gown out of the dresser and put it over her head. They got in bed and Ben held his wife close as they fell asleep.
Valentine's Day was coming in a few days and Miranda wanted to go all out and do something special for Ben. She knew he would be surprised because she wasn't the romantic type and she'd already told him that she didn't want to do anything fancy other than spend time with each other before or after his trip to Los Angeles. He was supposed to be going to the NBA game in L.A. with his coworker Miller on Saturday but she still wanted to make it a romantic weekend for him. Once he found out the game was on Valentine's weekend he wanted to call it off but Miranda insisted he go.

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