45. I Won't Say (I'm In Love)

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"I got the hat." Remus appeared out of the invisibility cloak, out of breath. Remus and Pandora were waiting outside the bathroom for him.

"Let's hope this works." Pandora mumbled, and slipped into the bathroom, the two boys behind her. Once inside, she headed for one of the sinks, and muttered something in what sounded like parseltongue. After a few moments, the sink opened to reveal a chamber.

"Was that... Parseltongue? Pandora, are you-?" Regulus started, but was cut off.

"No. I heard the phrase in one of my dreams." She said whimsically, and carried on, leading the boys through the chamber.

They came up to a large cavern, a statue of Salazar Slytherin in the center. There was no Basilisk in sight, but the trio stood on guard.

They heard slithering coming from the large statue, "Now might be a good time to take out that sword." Regulus said, backing up, holding his wand up defensively.

"Don't look the Basilisk in the eye," Pandora reminded the other two, closing her eyes tight.

"What!? How do we fight it? Pandora, why don't you tell us these things beforehand?" Regulus asked, voice shaking with his rising panic.

"I thought you knew!"

Remus pulled the sword from the hat, as if he was a muggle magician with a rabbit. Just as he closed his eyes, the Basilisk appeared from inside the hollow statue. The other two held up their wands defensively, but were unsure of what to do without their eyesight, leaving the fighting to the half-crippled Gryffindor.

Remus had never used a sword before, but he had to ignore his obvious lack of skill, and took a wide stance, leaning on his cane, prepared to swing the sword at whatever got near him.

"You better not die," Regulus muttered under his breath.

Remus heard the snake hiss and come at him at full speed. He held up the sword and dodged, swinging the sword, but he hit nothing. He lost his cane in the process, but tried his best to stay upright through the pain. He tried his best to keep the snake in front of him, but it was hard to tell where it was. He felt around for his cane, but before he could find it, he heard the snake coming for him again.

Eyes squeezed shut, he took a swing, and his knees buckled from under him, but he managed to get a hit right in it's face before he hit the floor.

"I think it's dead," Remus called, opening his eyes to see the dead snake before him. Remus quickly grabbed his cane, and Regulus helped him get up.

"Do you want to do the honors?" Remus held the sword out to Regulus, who took it, and slashed off the Basilisks fang, then handed the sword back to Remus.

"You did it!" Pandora ran up and hugged the two boys.

"No thanks to you guys," Remus chuckled, "I need to go return this thing to Dumbledore's office before he notices." He put the sword back into the sorting hat, and watched it disappear as if it was never there.

"Thank you Remus," Pandora thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Better not be expecting a kiss from me," Regulus said, getting an eye roll from Pandora.

"I'll see you guys around." Remus said, and headed off toward Dumbledore's office, pulling the invisibility cloak over himself once again. Once he was inside, he returned the sorting hat to it's original spot. He looked around to see all the previous headmasters looking down on him. He spotted Phineas Nigellus Black on the wall, his resemblance to Sirius was uncanny, even though he was clearly older. Remus turned around and left the office undetected.

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