7. Teenagers

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James showed up to his dorm to be face to face with a pissed off Sirius Black. Remus was sitting on his bed with a book in his hands, and Peter was sitting at a desk doing who knows what.

"What the fuck was that Prongs?" Sirius asked, arms crossed. Ah, he was pulling out the nicknames.

"while you were too busy flirting with Remus, your brother nearly died after getting hit with a bludger so excuse me for wanting to be helpful. I know you hate his guts but that does not mean he deserves to die!" Sirius' face went red for a second, James didn't know if it was out of anger or what James said about Remus, but Sirius calmed down when James brought up the 'dying' bit.

"I didn't... I didn't know." Sirius muttered ashamedly. "is he okay?"

James sighed and placed a hand on his best friends shoulder, "hell be fine. I still think you two should talk. Actually talk, not argue." James said softly.

"I wish I could. You see how difficult he is." Sirius sighed. James nodded, then went over to Remus, plucking the book out of his lap.

"Earth to Remus," James laughed, Remus fumed, reaching for his book.

"Asshole!" Remus jumped up.

"Boys how about we plan a prank on the Slytherins?" James suggested, still holding the book above his head where Remus could barely reach. Remus was tall, but James was just slightly taller, giving him the advantage.

"Sounds great!" Sirius beamed before stealing the book from James, handing it back to Remus, who muttered a "Thanks" before putting it down on his bed.

They got Peter's attention and the four of them sat in the center of their room, plotting their next prank.


The next morning Regulus was discharged, but told to take it easy as he still wasn't fully healed. He should be fine by the next game, but he had to go easy on practices, he was actually told to sit out, but Regulus settled on flying slowly, there was no way he wouldn't be flying before the game.

Regulus, who was still in an angered state from last night, practically sprinted to the Slytherin common room to find Barty.

He was lucky to find his two roommates asleep and went to wake Barty up.

"Reg? What do you want?" Barty frowned and yawned, trying to roll over.

"Barty... we need to talk, come to the common room please." Regulus grabbed his hand softly.

Barty sat up slowly and shivered, grabbing a blanket before following Regulus in his half asleep state.

As they walked into the ice-cold common room, Barty fully woke up and became more aware. He shivered in the cold lake-chilled air.

"Reg." Barty took a seat on a sofa next to Regulus with a frown on his face. "So what the hell did I walk in on?"

"I don't know. After I woke up, Potter was there. He started rambling about my brother, then grabbed my hand, and then-" Regulus trailed off. Just thinking about it made Regulus more and more pissed off every time he thought about it.

"Then I walked in." Regulus nodded. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. You must have felt like shit, and it's not like you could have followed me to explain. I shouldn't have gotten so upset and stormed off." Barty yawned and layed his head on Regulus's lap.

"Yeah, but you aren't known to be the smartest, are you?" Regulus asked sarcastically, running a hand through Barty's black hair.


The three boys went to the great hall, Regulus made sure Evan didn't suspect a thing. The idiot never would. Regulus loved Evan. He was one of his closest friends, but there was no denying that everything seemed to go right over his head.

Regulus took a seat next to Pandora, Barty sitting on his other side, Evan next to Barty.

Pandora was in the middle of a conversation with Dorcas about something Regulus didn't really care to listen to.

"Hey Reg. It looks like your brothers stupid gang is plotting something." Evan nudged his head in the direction of the Gryffindor table where the group sat there with smug smiles on their faces as if they were planning something.

One of their dumb pranks again, but on who? Sometimes they pranked the whole school sometimes just the Slytherins, and sometimes specific people, usually snape.

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't snape.

When the meals arrived, Dumbledore made a small announcement regarding yesterday's quidditch match, and Regulus noticed professor Slughorn's food transfigure into a plate full of slugs as he was turned talking to another professor. Slughorn stabbed one with a fork still without realizing, and almost took a bite before McGonagall, without missing a beat, transfigured the food back to normal before Slughorn even noticed what happened. Regulus saw her shake her head, her gaze fixed on the group of four boys who started laughing hysterically.

As the day dragged on, Regulus witnessed more and more tiny pranks, one of the four always present somewhere out of the corner of his eye casting small spells on people.

Snape got flipped upside down by his ankles, Evan got his hair turned black. "Nooo! My beautiful blonde locks!" He cried, forcing Regulus to fix it. Part of Barty's hair got dyed green, but Evan said it made him look badass, so he made the 'expert' choice to keep it.

"You're so embarrassing." Regulus covered his face, embarrassed to be seen with his idiot friends.

"Oh you know you love us!" Barty wrapped his arms around Regulus's waist, surprising Regulus, but all he could focus on was Evan's expression. Regulus hated how bad he was at reading people, but he could have sworn he saw a twinge of jealousy in his eyes, and if that was so, maybe Regulus could do more to cause Evan to confess his feelings.

Regulus wouldn't lie, whatever thing he had going on with Barty wasn't bad, it filled some of his emptiness by occupying him with secret kisses, but he would be more content to make his friends happy.


Omg what's up people? i'm fucking exhausted. there's just something about working nonstop in the sun all day. Anyway I finally got all the percy jackson books so I decided to start rereading them, i havent read them since elementary school and I dont remember anything past the second book so im excited.

School is gonan be starting up soon which also means I have to go to football games and competitions (plus rehearsal almost every day) so depending on my class schedule that will mess up my writing schedule, so Im gonna try to start pumping out chapters into my drafts before that starts up. After this chapter I have 10 more chapters queued up to be uploaded so I think im pretty ahead of the grind, Its just editing these chapters and uploading that takes up the most time bc I prefer to do that on my computer so that I can upload everywhere and post to tumblr.

anyway u guys better like this story or else

Omg so I swear I uploaded this chapter like forever ago but something must have gone wrong, I haven't even looked at ao3 or wattpad at all so tomorrow morning I'll make sure I actually remembered to upload and I'll make sure this doesn't happen for a third time.

I also just noticed this chapter wasn't uploaded but the Chapter after it is??? Uhh I apologize

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