41. Carry On

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Over the summer, Regulus did a lot more researching. He had access to far darker topics at home, and he made multiple breakthroughs. He found out multiple items that were likely horcruxes, and knowing how they were made, it was far easier to figure out. Finding the horcruxes and killing Voldemort was the only thing that kept Regulus going through the summer, on the days where he felt lost and alone, and when he lost all hope for himself, he just had to remind himself of his purpose. It had to be him. He had to carry on. 

Regulus knew Voldemort had multiple horcruxes, at least 5, but Regulus wouldn't put it past Voldemort to make more. He already looked inhuman from the amount of times he has split his soul. Based on his information about horcruxes, most would be able to feel if a horcrux wad destroyed, but Voldemort's soul was spread so thin, Regulus doubted he would feel a thing.

Regulus knew without a doubt where one was located, but he couldn't go there himself. He knew it was dangerous though. He wrote to both Remus and Pandora, asking them to go together some time during the summer. He had to be secretive about it though in case anyone intercepted, like his mother.

'I have found multiple. One is a ring hidden in Gaunt's family shack. Might be dangerous. Take Pandora and be careful.'

He wrote something similar to Pandora and sent them out, hoping they would be smart enough to find where to go. For the mean time, he thought of how to get some others. He knew Lucius had one in his manor - a diary, and Bellatrix another in her vault - a cup. Then there was that one Voldemort took Kreacher to hide, and the last one, Regulus had no idea where to even start looking. He knew it was Ravenclaw's Diadem. Maybe that one Ravenclaw ghost would know - Ravenclaw's daughter, the grey lady. He had a lot of work to get done throughout the summer and next year, and he was hoping that he, Remus and Pandora could finish what they started before Remus graduated, or Regulus died. 


Evan dreaded going home. He already knew what awaited him when he got there, and if he was kicked out, he had nowhere to go. He would be cut off from the family's wealth, left broke and homeless. The entire train ride was dead silent and stiff. Regulus sat with a straight face and perfect posture, peering out the window, still as a statue almost the entire time. At first Evan tried to start conversation, but it was clear that nobody else in the car with him was the type to talk when scared or nervous. Barty sat next to him, holding onto his arm so tight Evan thought his arm would fall off by the end of the train ride. Pandora started the ride sitting with the group of boys, but quickly realized she would rather sit with the girls, who were far less tense. 

When the train stopped at the station, Evan nearly burst out in tears. He just sat and held Barty for a while, until Regulus silently shoved them and walked out, expecting them to follow, which they did. They passed by the car Pandora was still in, talking happily with a group of girls, Dorcas, Marlene, Lily, and Mary. It seemed like they were all making plans to get together over the summer. Seeing Evan and the others, Pandora quickly said her goodbyes, hugging everyone, then joining her brother. 

"Hey, you'll be okay." She whispered and patted him on the back as they left the train. Evan looked around and made eye contact with his father. His thoughts went back to the night his parents were summoned to the school in the aftermath of Barty's fight. His father lectured him on Barty's family. Barty's father was ministry scum, and Barty was a boy. Evan was not to be seen embarrassing his family like that ever again. He was told to cut off all contact with Barty, or he would suffer the consequences. 

Evan's 16th birthday was just a few days away. He had to hold on until then. Maybe he would get kicked out, maybe worse, but he couldn't be removed from Hogwarts, he couldn't be taken away from Barty. If he ran away, would Barty take him in? Keep him a secret from his already absent father? Evan looked over to Barty, who was by Regulus' side, far far away from Evan and Pandora now. He approached his father, who did not acknowledge his presence at all. 

"How was School, Pandora?" He asked, looking almost like a normal father. Evan was being ignored. He was alright with that. It was better than the alternative, but the worst things always happened behind closed doors. Their father apparated them home, and continued to stay in a decent mood, talking to Pandora about her Hogwarts experience. 

"Oh and Xeno is the nicest man ever, he is a Ravenclaw, but it's not much of an issue." She talked carefree, not a worry in her world, she was the perfect child, and Evan wanted it to stay that way. He smiled, listening to her gush about her crush, keeping the attention off of Evan. 

"Are you just friends with someone in every house?" Their mother appeared from around a corner. She was much tamer than their father, even thought it seemed like it should be the other way around. Their mother was technically a Black, though only distantly related. technically, she was cousins with Regulus' cousins. 

"I do have this Hufflepuff friend Marlene, her and a few others were planning on hanging out some time soon, I was thinking of joining them, and I have a few Gryffindor friends, there's Lily, Mary, and Remus mostly, but Remus' friends are so nice, but Regulus doesn't like them very much." She rambled on and on, it was quite admirable.

"Is Regulus still respectable? Unlike that other boy Evan seems to have an infatuation with?" Their father turned and glared at Evan. 

Evan was going to speak, but Pandora cut him off, "Father, I think you have the wrong idea! Barty is amazing!" She tried to defend, "He isn't like his father, in fact, his father hates him. Did you not see them at the meeting with Dumbledore, he either ignored him or lectured him that whole time," She said, knowing her father was more likely to believe her than him. Evan would be lost without his sister, he loved her so much. 

"That poor boy!" His mother cried, "If he ever needs a place to go, he is welcome here." She offered, getting a glare from his father, but he said nothing, and sighed. 

"Son." He turned to face him. "If I find out these rumors are true, you are out. But - I will let you off easy this time, a misunderstanding on my part." He said reluctantly. 

Evan just nodded, not wanting to tick his father off, or make him change his mind as he often did when Evan spoke. Once they were done, Evan practically ran to his room and collapsed on his bed, completely exhausted from the stress, but he was happy. He wasn't ignored or disowned by his father, and he was still able to hang out with Barty. That was really all he needed. His sister and Barty


This chapter feels so short, but its definitely on the longer side. Not nearly as long as some upcoming chapters though. I'm not sure how many more chapters there will be, it all depends on how the plot carries. So far though, its going so fast paced, which is crazy because I remember complaining about the slower pased build up chapters. A lot is going to happen really fast, because thats just the tragedy that is the marauders. Depending on what I choose to do, you guys might hate me, but thats all part of being an author.

Omg guys youll never believe what my mom told me today 
so apparently she has to interview this lady for two positions, one is a writing based job (but definitely not creative writing, i dont know what they do but it has nothing to do books) and the other job just being training employees i think. Anyway my mom got her resume and the lady legit put the fact that she has been writing novels on wattpad since 2018. like. how do i even react? Thats genuinely so goofy especially for a job position that has nothing to do with that.

Anyway back to the topic of the book. Sometimes I wanna write more fluff based chapters about the couples or just like different groups but then I also just constantly have ideas for Regulus and James, and sometimes others. I feel bad for not giving some characters as much depth as I would like them to, but fuck it we ball. 

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