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Everything and everyone had begun new chapters in their lives.

Roy and Thea had started investing in newer clubs and managing their own company.

Kento and Niko were traveling around the world, moving at their own pace, living and loving.

Laurel and Josh got married two years ago with an infant daughter at home, Danielle.

John and Lyla had three children, two boys and one girl.

Oliver and Felicity moved into a bigger house as Oliver took over the company from mom and Felicity became a technology director for the company.

For the ones left. Today was different. It was magical and the start of a new chapter. Away from the bad days and towards a lifetime of happiness.

The breezing air was hitting my shoulder. It didn't bother me. I was standing in the warm company of loved family and friends. He reached for my hands and we looked into each other's eyes. Nothing mattered in that moment not even how the makeup had turned out. If the dress was looking perfect or if the veil moved in a different direction. It was as perfect as I would have imagined it to be.

We promised to love one another through thick and thin and to love and cherish each other. Our lives began with each other and would end the same way but with two additions. Our two small sunshine's becoming our best friends and whole lives, William and Isla. Old love, there may be initial trepidation, but ultimately, it's worth taking the leap again.

trepidationWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt