chapter twenty-one

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"Where exactly is it?" Roy asked through the comms.

"Meadow Street," Kento said sternly with his arms crossed waiting for any update about Niko.

"Are you sure it is a warehouse near the glades and not in some ghost city?" Roy asked.

"Are you confused? If you can't follow simple directions maybe you should be in here and I'll go out there instead" Kento was persistent.

"We are standing in front of a dead-end being an hour away from the glades dumbass. Now maybe you are the confused one. If you could conjure up a warehouse I could follow real directions."

"Hey cut it out. Both of you." I exclaimed, screaming at what would appear to be children inside of the bodies of adult men. Kento turned around exhausted facing the wall of the van putting his arms around his neck.

"It's not a dead-end" Melissa spoke up.

"They are hiding their place-." the comms were cut off. There was an eerie silence. We waited for a follow-up but either the comms had stopped working or they were in trouble.

"Oliver. Can you hear me?" Felicity tried but there was no reply. The silence worked up the anxiety inside of us as the comms started making unstable static noise.

"Are you there Oliver?" Thea's voice was breaking due to the interference of the static noise.

"Hello? Can anyone hear us?" Laurel's voice popped up. Felicity tried to answer but there wasn't anyone listening.

"Felicity, could you give us an update? Neither Roy, Oliver, nor Melissa is answering" Diggle spoke up through the comms.

"Damn it! IS ANYONE LISTENING? THE COMMS ARE DOWN. I REPEAT- THE COMMS ARE DOWN" Felicity shouted mad through the comms.

"Second-by-second live stream my ass" Kento exclaimed referring to what Oliver told him before.

"We copy-" Diggle said. I took a deep breath worried with my arms crossed waiting for Melissa to say she was fine with the others.

"Something was interfering with the comms." Oliver finally spoke out.

"Sorry. We couldn't speak." Melissa answered as I finally let out a breath knowing she was fine.

"What happened?" Kento asked her.

"The warehouse appeared." Roy updated.

"What do you mean appeared wizard? Did it come out our your hat?" Kento asked.

"I mean it just appeared. Melissa pulled a lever beside a stone. They are using some kind of camouflage to hide" Roy continued.

"We aren't going to be able to use any backup. We need to get in and get Niko without getting caught or initiating any problem" Melissa said.

"As soon as we have Niko. I'll get the head of Kenshin and bring him to Lyla and A.R.G.U.S before they understand that the blood won't activate" Oliver stated.

"The comms could go down again so give us 30 minutes to do this. If we don't make it out don't send anyone in.

"Why? We can't leave you in there." Felicity told him panicked.

"Hey. Felicity. It's gonna be fine I promise. I love you" Oliver confessed.

"No. Get off your high horse. Damn it" she said sternly.

"I'm sorry" Oliver exclaimed as his earpiece was disconnected.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" I asked.

"You need to trust us. I -" Melissa told me as she instantly disconnected her earpiece. I love you Melissa Queen, I thought to myself.

We stood silently waiting for an update. It took everything to not go out running to help them. They are going to be fine I thought to myself

"I can't do this. I can't just stand here waiting for them to say something" Kento yelled, hitting the side of the keyboard inside the van.

"We surely won't know if they made it out with Niko if you keep destroying the van," I told him

"If you hit the keyboard again, I'll personally throw you out to the Kenshin clan" Felicity threatened him.

"No worries. I'm going then," Kento said.

"The hell you are- If they are on to us, everyone in there will be dead," I said to him.

"I don't care. They are already going on a suicide mission" I dragged him back before he could reach for the door but he took my arm and twisted it behind my back. My leg went around his and I tripped him, falling with him.

"You aren't going anywhere. Now you aren't the only one with someone you love that is in there. You better not affect their mission" I was on top of him as he put his hand up in defeat. We sat up against the van wall, waiting.

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