chapter twenty-two

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We snuck past an alarm system as Oliver shot it with an arrow dismantling it and leaving us to walk inside without getting discovered.

"Hey, Ollie. About what you said before. I don't agree with you. I should be the one to get the head of Kenshin. There is something that I didn't mention"

"You and Roy need to get Niko because I know the leader. It would be easier for me to be able to get to him. I have been here before, that is why I know how to get inside. A few months before we had to leave Soratoge due to the attack we visited here to ally, not even Kento or Niko knew. The alliance almost went through but they wanted insurance. Someone from our clan needed to stay here. We couldn't agree to it so they became more hostile"

"I agree. Roy will get Niko out. I'm coming with you." Ollie added.

"No. You can't come. If they spot you or Roy. You will be dead. It won't do us any good. Get Niko and get out, Roy will need the help because the guards are skillful and plenty. Be careful. This clan knows how to keep someone here. I'll be outside in 30 minutes. That's all I need." I said.

"Niko would be down there," I said as I pointed to the other side of the building. "The leader is going to be up there," I told him as I signaled towards the opposite side.

"30 minutes," Oliver confirmed and I nodded. "Safeword - Soratoge".

"We parted ways and I hurried up. One woman was wearing the clan's clothes. I made eye contact with her but she seemed worried knowing I didn't fit the environment. I instantly knew she was going to alert the guards. Hurridly I went for her and dragged her into a corner. I gave her a sedative that would last for a few hours and put her inside a storage room. I exchanged clothes with her and searched her for anything to help me know her name before I went out to the corridor again. I followed the path to the clan's headroom. That is where he would be. Guards were standing along the corridor up the door. I kept walking up to the door hoping they wouldn't notice me.

"Jibun jishin o shikibetsu suru" (Identify yourself)

"Shima" I stated looking down and avoiding eye contact. He looked carefully and backed away to open the door. I was let inside as he followed me. "Shima wa koko ni imasu" (shima is here). He told the leader with his back turned against us.

"Arigatō," the leader said as the guard left us alone and closed the door. He turned around facing me.

"Shima. I told you. You need to leave." he said. I decided to play along and shook my head without talking.

"They will be here soon with the solution. Leave now. I'll find you." he began to push me towards the door. I reached for my hood and headgear as I took them off, taking out small dark bottle. He was surprised to see me.

"Melissa. I shouldn't be surprised really. You snuck past the guards and are now standing here. Is it a gift you are bearing?"

"Yes. It is what you wanted." I told him.

"It is." he was grinning. "If you are standing here then you would know that the clothes belong to Shima. What did you do to her?" he asked alarmed. In the monitor behind him, I saw Ollie and Roy sneaking Niko out. He was about to turn around but I ran up to him to grab his arm.

"She is safe," I claimed as he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"She will be with you soon Akira," I assured him knowing that would only be in a rotten prison. I connected my comms to know when they made it outside.

"You need to promise she won't be hurt."

"I do. You know I was never the one to break my promises but I would do it to protect the ones I love."

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