chapter sixteen

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It finally felt like I wasn't on the run again. For a very long time I could breathe out after a long night, I thought to myself. It was probably too good to be true. Someone that probably didn't feel as good was Tommy. Seeing him leaning against his car, I stood up making my way towards him. The wind was blowing and it started to get cold outside.

"Hey Merlyn. How are you feeling?" I asked standing in front of him.

"Honestly?" He stared at me. "Not that good,"

"I'm sorry," he started.

"For what?" I asked with furrowed eyes.

"If I didn't let her into my life then she would've never been able to hurt you or even get close to you,"

"None of it was your fault," I assured him.

"She said something when she walked out. It got you pretty mad. Are you okay-" I asked him.

"I'm fine," He stayed quiet for a few seconds until he continued.

"She was the one poisoning you. It was my fault because I was supposed to work that night but I went out with her. Instead of staying there looking after you" he said looking into my eyes.

"It doesn't matter, not to me. I'm fine now and I'm just glad that you are too," I said looking at him knowing it hurt me when he was blaming himself.

"Yeah. I just can't lose you" he said to me as I was interrupted feeling the heavy rain pouring down on us. I paused without saying something else as I was looking at him.

"Yeah me too," I answered him. I pulled him in for a hug leading to a deep embrace. It was that kind of a hug that I never wanted to let go of. But there was an end to everything as we realized how intimate that hug was. I gently let go of him.

"Eh I should probably go home now. Mom is probably worried if she had woken up without me there," I told him and he nodded.

"Of course" he said. I began to walk back to the car before realizing that I got here with Laurel that was now with her dad. Stopping in my tracks and turning around to see Merlyn still looking at me.

"You need a ride home?" he asked amused at the fact that I forgot how I came.

"Yeah-" I said laughing awkwardly at myself.

"Hop in," he added and we were on the way home.

Sitting beside him I felt a warm feeling inside of me, almost like butterflies in my stomach. As we pulled up on the driveway there was two police officers standing by the door.

"What now? Jesus..." I sighed after a long night that didn't seem to want to come to an end. As I stepped outside of the car I heard one officer speaking.

"Mrs. Queen. It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Walter Steele was shot and killed last night by Audrey Dunn" I heard the police officer say as I witnessed my mom fall to her knees by the front door. I ran up to her and comforted her as Tommy walked up to us and the officers left their contact information by the door before they left. Thea was downstairs looking at us with a questioned look in her face as I shook my head back at her. She instantly understood what had happened and came to comfort mom too. I stood up as we helped mom back up to her feet to the living room for her to sit down. As she finally calmed down and rested I walked up to Tommy.

"I'm really sorry you had to witness this too after tonight Tommy. You certainly didn't need another load" I told him looking at him and then away.

"Don't say that Mel. Whatever happened with Audrey, I won't even think twice about after what she did to you. She's not worth it. You mean everything to me and I promise you that whenever you need me there. I'll be there even if I've had the worst day" he told me and I hugged him again. "Thanks Tommy. Know that I'll do the same, whenever, wherever".

"Mel call me whenever you need to talk. I'll always be there" Tommy said as I nodded grateful. Soon after Tommy had left, Oliver appeared. He had understood what had happened by moms crying. He walked up to her and comforted her as we sat down with them in silence.

The hope of good things was really was too good to be true.

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