chapter fifteen

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I ran across the room trying to find the necklace with the little time that I had left. The bag was empty but suddenly I remember changing the place for it a while back. I hurried to get to the book in which I had hid the necklace inside of. Thea and mom had feel asleep and the clock was past midnight. I snuck out in order not to wake them up and tried calling Dig a few times until he finally picked up.

"Hello?" he answered sleepy.

"You gotta meet me and Laurel now at the adress I sent you. Oliver and Felicity is in trouble," I told him.

"I'll be right there," he said and hung up.

"You gotta call Tommy too," Laurel said but I gave her a hesitant look.

"We don't know who and how many to expect. All help is needed." I picked up the phone and dialed his number. I let it call for a few second hoping he wouldn't answer.

"Hello" he answered.

"Hi Tommy. It's Mel" I said.

"Mel. Is everything okay? Are you fine?" he asked worried.

"Yeah I'm fine but Oliver and Felicity are in danger. Can you meet me and Laurel outside of the place I sent?"

"Of course- I'll be there in a few" he said and we hung up.

Not much after the phone calls, both Tommy and Dig had arrived and we made up a plan to sneak in and rescue Oliver and Felicity.

"I didn't say it on the phone but Ollie and Felicity doesn't have much time. They are in a chamber that's filling up with water"

"That's my dad's car" Laurel pointed at the cop car standing outside of the building. We ran over there and saw the two young officers from before lying on the ground passed out but still breathing beside the car. Quentin was lying a bit further away that the others.

"He's barely breathing" Laurel panicked.

"Stay here with him and call 911 Laurel. We are going in" I told her and she nodded while calling 911.

We walked inside the dark building trying to guide our way ahead. I didn't have anything to protect myself with but being me I took a long yet narrow pipe made of steel lying on the floor.

"That's how you're going to protect yourself. After this you are gonna need to get a  real weapon" Dig asked.

"Better than nothing. Right?" I answered hearing a weak 'yeah' from Dig.

As we kept on walking through the corridor we reached a open hallway leading inside a big room giving blue reflections. I hurried inside the room, recognizing the background from the monitors earlier. It revealed two chambers. Felicity's chamber was filling up faster than Oliver's. As I was about to run towards the chamber, Oliver shouted and Diggle dragged me back.

"Don't-" Oliver shouted.

"Sensors." Ollie pointed at the floor.

"What are we gonna do," Tommy asked stressed.

"You can't do anything. She has the remote" Felicity uttered in disgust while struggling to hold herself over the water.


"The one demanding money and kidnapping Walter wasn't a man like mom thought" Oliver said.

"It's a girl-" he said frustrated almost looking at Tommy.

"A girl? Who? Do you know her?" Dig asked him.


"Surprise." we heard a voice behind us speak up. We turned around seeing Audrey standing there. This couldn't be true. She entered the room with four men behind her.

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