chapter two

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I found myself looking at the ceiling at a time that seemed to be early, too early. The feeling of not having a decent sleep since the attack on Soratoge made me feel anxious. As I was getting out of bed I felt the emptiness around my neck to realize that the necklace was missing. I was instantly alarmed. I looked around the room and my closet but it was nowhere to be found. I ran down the stairs and saw Oliver and Tommy in the living room.

"Hey, Oliver did you see my necklace yesterday?" completely ignoring Tommy.

"No I haven't" he replied and continued, "You went to sleep ten minutes after we talked then I went out because Tommy came over, but I never noticed a necklace,"

"That's fine. I probably left it in the bathroom or something. Thanks anyway," I ran back upstairs irritated but showing a calm smile downstairs. I can't believe I have been this careless and irresponsible. I would have been upstairs for a few minutes now but I could already feel like I tore my room apart. There was a knock on the door. "Ehh.. give me a sec," I went to open it and saw Tommy there.

"What do you want Tommy?"

"Hello to you too. So I came by yesterday to talk to you but you were fast asleep. Anyway, I saw this on the floor," he said and reached out to give me the necklace. Now I felt a little mean.

"Thanks," I said and took the necklace from him.

"So why did you stress this much over a necklace,"

"I am not stressing, it's just a gift,"

"You are seeing someone?" he asked with a jealous tone.

"It's complicated. Thanks for the necklace anyway. It means a lot," I said gratefully. "Of course," he added and I closed the door gently after that.

As I wore the necklace and shortened it to fit me better, I decided to pay a visit to Queen Consolidated. Both to see my mother and get a job to make my old life feel normal again. I walked towards the company and saw Mom outside by the entrance.

"Hi Mom, how is everything going with the company?" I asked her with a hug. "It has been a rough couple of months but it has been going in a positive direction these last weeks," she assured me.

"That sounds good. I know you have been trying to keep it going ever since and you deserve all the credit you can get," I told her. "Thanks, honey. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I am here to ask for..." I was suddenly interrupted by the sound of shotguns. I pushed Mom down behind a bush and put my body over her, protecting her from any harm. I looked up to see no one there.

"Mom, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked worriedly. She had a confused face and sighed. As I stood up, helping Mom up too, I felt hands on my shoulder. I instantly pushed the person back with a little force.

"Hey, it's just us," Oliver said with Tommy behind him.

"We just got here and heard shots. Are you okay?" he said looking at me and Mom, I nodded. "I am fine but we should get Mom checked out. She is pretty shaken up" I said as Oliver took Mom to the hospital and Tommy took me home after I insisted to Oliver that I was fine too.

"What was that?" Tommy asked me. "How would I know?" I withheld my thought, my secret, looking away from Tommy to the porch which we were now in front of. "Look I thought about what you said the other day," he added.

"It's not important. What is done, is done. I am not back to open up old pages," I told him, he looked right at me. "Mel, I need to know what I did because the only thing I know is that we were supposed to meet at my place but you weren't there. I tried calling several times but you never answered."

"I couldn't stay. It is just that easy!" I said and walked out of the car.

"No," he said and followed me up on the porch.

"It's not just that easy. Tell me why you gave up on us. You never came back. My heart broke into a thousand pieces when I heard I had lost you. I couldn't even breathe for months- You were my everything," tears were forming in both our eyes.

"I know you slept with Hannah, Tommy. I wasn't gonna let my life get chaotic again which by the way doesn't seem to wanna stop. So I decided to leave. Look easy,"

Suddenly my phone received a message from an unknown number. The video attached was of Kenji being tortured. "Hold up, It's Thea calling," I walked a few steps away and instantly got a phone call. The voice sounded firm, "It will be the last you see of him if you don't give the necklace back to us within 72 hours,"

"I won't be giving you anything if I don't get any proof that he is still alive," I said worriedly but quietly so Tommy couldn't hear.

"Talk," the voice shouted. "Furusato, M. Don't do it-" he shouted the last part out as I heard him getting tortured. "As I said. 72 hours," the call ended abruptly. My heart felt relieved for now because it meant that Kenji was still alive. "Is everything okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, that was just Thea asking me to bring a few things," he nodded at my lie.

"Listen about Hanna. Someone let her in by the staff. She tried to set me up but I told her to leave. I would never hurt you," I wanted to believe him but it didn't matter anymore.

"It is in the past now Tommy anyway. I am not the same person anymore. Don't expect anything more from me that I know that I can't give," I told him and walked up to the mansion.

72 hours left

As I walked in, there was news about some vigilante who tried to take care of corrupted businessmen even if it meant breaking the law while doing it. That could be my solution. It could be my chance to save Kenji with the help of the vigilante. When I was about to go out I heard the door open. It was Oliver and a muscular man wearing a suit behind him.

"Dig, I need to find out why my family is being targeted," he said. "What if it's your psycho ex-girlfriend going on a hunt again," the muscular man beside my brother said. Oliver and this psycho ex-girlfriend sounds like something I want to tease him about later. "I don't think it could be Helena, Diggle," Ollie answered. I decided to make my absence known and made a walking sound towards them.

"Hey, Ollie. How is mom doing?" I asked him. "She is doing just fine. The doctors said she would be back home in just a few hours," I sighed out with relief. "I guess you haven't met. Mel this is John Diggle, my bodyguard. John this is my sister Melissa," I reached forward with my hand and shook his. "Nice to meet you," he said. "Likewise," I smiled back. "Hey Ollie, I turned the news on just now. What have I been missing? There has been this talk about a vigilante,"

"Yeah mhm. It's true," he told me shortly and I nodded in confusion.

"Just some idiot in a mask. Nothing to worry about," John Diggle continued.

"I guess he is doing what some won't dare to do," I said loud enough for only myself to hear.

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