chapter ten

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Two months later


Thea Hey sis, come by my new place tonight?

Me For sure. Looking forward to Roy meeting Ollie finally 😆

Thea Mhm... I hope he doesn't scare him

Me He won't  do it.. who am I kidding? haha

Me I wouldn't miss tonight for the world lmao

Thea C'mon be nice. I really like him

Me Alright fine, I gotta go now but see you tonight

Thea See ya sis

There was a knock at the door of the office.

"Come on in," I said.

Laurel peeked in. "It's me," she said happy.

"Laurel," I stood up and hugged her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you out of prison. We haven't hung out since you came back,"

"I know. I buried myself in work and just dipped I guess,"

"Yeah. You are not to blame. After Sara my dad just threw himself into work and he kind of still do. Now that's why we need someone there for us to make sure we are good. Also I really missed my best friend," she said.

"You're right and I missed you too Laurel. I have been so caught up with Kenjis dea-. I forgot everything else. I'm really sorry,"

"I know it hasn't been easy but I'll always be there for you. C'mon let's go out and talk. We need to catch up," I nodded and we headed outside.

We bought hot beverages and sat down by a small coffee table. I found myself telling Laurel the reason why I initially left the city until I was told it was a setup.

"You should have told me. At least reach out when you survived. I spent those years thinking you died. Losing my sister, my boyfriend and then my bestfriend," she said.

"You're right. I was just so young and tired of everything happening,"

"I thought if I just left, then everything would get better but it didn't as you can see." I continued.

"No, I get it. After Sara I thought of leaving but I stopped myself. I couldn't think of leaving my dad alone. He already lost one daughter. I couldn't put him through that again," she said with me nodding to the words coming out of her mouth, feeling guilty.

"I'll always be there for my best friend so tell me you won't leave again. We can get through anything together. Just like we did when we were younger," she said.

"You're right. I won't leave when it gets difficult again. I figure that I need to make up for the time our friendship lost. Do you want to come with me, Ollie and Dig to see Theas new loft and meet Theas special someone. She also invited a few friends," I smiled back at her.

"For sure. You don't mean Roy Harper do you?" she asked.

"Yeah I do. He hasn't met Ollie yet so," I said smirking a little.

"Oh I will make it my mission to never miss that moment," she laughed.

"Good then we will meet at Theas," I told her as we started to walk inside a few stores.

"Right. I won't forget to text you the adress," I took my phone out to send Laurel the adress.

"Oh hi, Melissa. Was it?" I looked up thinking the voice was familiar.

"Hi. Audrey right?" I asked back and she nodded.

"So how are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"All fine here too," realizing Laurel hasn't met her yet.

"Audrey, this is Laurel. My best friend," I smiled at her.

"Laurel. This is Audrey. Tommys girlfriend," I introduced them to each other while Laurel gave me a shocked look.

"Nice to meet you, Audrey" Laurel said.

"Nice to meet you too, Laurel" Audrey responded.

"I actually gotta find Tommy a gift for his birthday. You have known him since forever. If you don't mind me asking, would you know what he would like," she said.

"I actually don't-" I started off but she stopped me.

"Please, you would really help a girl out," she said looking at me hopeful.

"I guess- This watch would be a nice gift," I pointed at a certain watch with a black bracelet that caught my eye.

"You're right. Thanks Melissa"

"No problem," I told her and she left to buy the watch.

"You really fell for the 'help a fellow girl out' act. It is so obvious that she knows about your and Merlyns history. Also she seems a little too nice. There is always something crazy behind a too nice girl," Laurel said.

"C'mon Laurel give the girl a break. She probably felt stressed about the fact that it was Merlyns birthday and didn't know what to get him. It happens" I told her.

"Yeah maybe. But if she ends up being the crazy-not-nice-girl then don't say that I didn't warn you," she said.

"Alright I'll keep that in mind. I do need to head back to work now though Laurel. I got a few things to finish and after that we'll meet over at Theas," I told her with a hug.

"Yeah, see you there." she said and hugged back.

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