chapter one

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I had stayed at a hotel overnight. I couldn't sleep. I showered and changed into clothes that I bought on the way here. I tidied myself up and looked presentable now as I left the hotel room and made my way to the mansion.

The cab ride from the hotel took an hour and I now looked at the Queen residence that stood in front of me. I made my way towards the door and took a deep breath I almost knocked on the door but it was opened by someone else. I was instead greeted by Tommy Merlyn, the playboy billionaire of Starling City. He looked surprised.

Before I could answer I saw my mom going down on the stairs. As soon as she saw me she started to run.

"How are you even- Where have you been," she sounded relieved with tears forming.
"I'm sorry for making you worry. I just needed to leave,"

"They said you died when the car was found. It was burned down from the crash-"

"No Mom I just needed to leave town that night but I got into a small accident. That's all"

"My God- The only thing that matters is seeing you here because I can't believe my eyes any more-" I hugged her back as if I was about to cry into her arms. "We are finally becoming a family again," I looked at her with a question mark written on my face. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't see the news?" Tommy asked.

"No, what is going on?" I asked now worried.

"Honey, Oliver survived. He survived the shipwreck and was rescued a month ago. We didn't know where you were. If you even were alive," I instantly froze. Not knowing Oliver has been alive for five years, being back a month ago, and on top of that, I felt guilty for making my family worry. "Oliver is alive? How did he- Where is he?" I asked them.

"I was on my way to meet up with him. Do you want to ride along?" Tommy asked. "Is that even a question?"

I hugged Mom again and got into Tommy's car. The first few minutes were quiet until he broke the silence. "I thought you died-"

"Yeah. I almost did," he gave me an I-am-serious face.

"Look I don't want to speak about it," he stayed quiet but acted instead. He drove to the side of the way and pushed the brakes. "What the hell are you doing?"

"How could you just leave me like that? How could you leave us?" he asked.

"How could you even ask that? Are you gonna play me for a stupid person? Unless you lost your memory I don't have to explain anything to you. You should know what you did," I told him. He stayed looking confused at me, "What..."

"Look I am not interested in old history. I just want to get out of here and see my brother." I told him.

He started to drive and we were now facing the Queen Industrial Inc.

"Welcome to Oliver's newly opened nightclub," he said quietly. I stepped out of the car and stood there for a little while processing what was about to happen. The last time I saw Oliver he was stepping on onto the Queen's Gambit. The days and nights I tried to stand by Mom and Thea after the incident but ended up running away myself. How was I supposed to stand in front of Oliver telling him I couldn't be there for them?

I made my way inside only to notice Oliver standing by the bar talking with Thea. As he turned around and saw me, I was sure that was him. I ran towards him and hugged him. My brother. I couldn't believe I was standing in front of the person I was mourning for years.

"But they said you-," It was the first time I heard his voice since he stepped onto the Queen's Gambit, I just hugged him even more tightly.

"I know. Me too," I said back and he comforted me, knowing I was too emotional to say anything else.

"I missed you too Lissa," he continued.

"Melissa," I heard a voice say quietly.

"Thea," I told her and brought her in on the hug.

"How have you been?" I looked at him with compassion.

"It has been a tough period but I am making the best of it. Now that I am back with my sisters, mom, and friends, I will feel at ease knowing you are well. I am at least catching up with the Kardashians," he said and I laughed.

We stayed and talked for a few hours until we headed home. I was standing in my old room and decided to take a shower. I have been holding every ounce of strength and sat down in the shower quietly. It has been one of the toughest but also happiest hours of my life. It felt as if life takes one life and gives another. I was grateful for Oliver being alive but I couldn't stop thinking of Kenji. Now I was alone without him. I sat there for a while until I went up to change and went to bed. Still, I couldn't sleep. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said.

"Hey Mel," Oliver said and peeked in.

"Hey Ollie," I said and smiled. He came inside and sat next to me.

"You know I couldn't believe when they said you died in a car crash. The pictures of the car were horrible. Where have you been?" he asked me.

"I left town," I said and looked into my hands and gave him a small smile. "I needed the change," I assured him I was fine along with it and put my hand around the necklace.

"Mom told me you didn't know I was back. What made you come back?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just felt homesick. I am glad I came back because it meant seeing Thea and Mom again," I said to him.

"Hey what about me?" he asked. "Oh right you too," I replied and chuckled.

"Well, you seem tired. I am going to get out of your hair and leave," Ollie said. "Can't you just stay for a while longer?" he stayed and we talked a little bit more until I nodded off. I felt safe that night. I would have wished for Dad to be back or for as well but it seemed as if faith had something else planned.

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