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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

Even with the events that took place the day before, the tension was still practically unbreakable between the two love birds.

While Roman's hands were tight on the steering wheel, knuckles practically turning white, Egypt had her eyes secured on the world flying by her.

Does she think I'm incapable of taking control of this empire on my own? Am I really that negligent of important information? Roman thought, his head pounding at the bothersome opinions of the woman next to him.

Does he think I'm that irresponsible? Did I show too much of my private life and safe haven too soon? Am I too dependent on other people's feelings for me? Egypt became saddened, wondering if everything was too good to be true.

The two continued to wallow in their self-doubt and pity for the long ride to Egypt's current residence, the calm home located in the borough over.

The security detail littered the four-block radius of the two-story home, from undercover women and men in their parked vehicles to the blacked-out vans on each corner, you could tell the Macharia sisters were very important people.

While Roman shut off the engine and made his way around to the passenger side to open the door for the woman who was for sure going to make him get grays at a young age, his eyes landed on a cheeky Dimitri striding out of said home, the shit-eating grin adding to Roman's annoyance.

"You," Roman said while grabbing Egypt's hand to help her out of the car.

"Me," Dimitri smiled and shifted gaze to Egypt, giving her a small wave and stepping out of her way.

She gives a curt nod to the man and swiftly walks past him and sashays into her home, and not without the slam of the front door.

"Does that dark cloud always follow her wherever she goes?" Dimitri scoffed, turning back to his brother, who he knows is the reason for her actions.

"How did you get here?" Roman answered his question with his own, wanting to deal with her attitude as soon as possible.

"Nairobi's security is really out of their mind! As soon as she got behind me on my motorcycle, they all but dragged her right the fuck off," Meech huffed, folding his arms. "They forced us to get in the van to drop her home."

"Get in and wait for me to come out," Roman ordered, opening the door for his brother so that he could get in.

"No no no, I'm not the little lady pissed in your coffee on this lovely morning. I don't have to listen to you! And if you want me to do something, you have to say please," Dimitri crossed his arms over his chest, his arms straining against the leather of his jacket.

"... please, get the fuck in," Roman rolled his eyes at the specimen he shared DNA with, who happily got in the vehicle and turned on the seat warmers.

With swiftness, Roman walked up the pathway and the small steps that led up to the front door, knocking three times after hearing hushed voices on the other side.

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