Home Away from Home

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"No way." said Tai, not believing what he was seeing.

"What happened?" asked Koromon, sitting at Tai's feet.

"We must have been pulled through some sort of dimensional opening between the Digi-world and this one, whatever this one is." Tai explained. "I bet that opening is the same way I got to Digi-world but where am I now? They look like human beings and this looks like earth, but is it really?"

"I don't know, I've never been here before." said Koromon.

"It can't be. This looks like the park I played in when I was a kid. I think we're in my hometown." said Tai.

"No way." said Koromon.

"True, but that's the toy factory and that's city hall over there." said Tai, recognizing the landmarks around them.

"Tai, I don't mean to cut the sightseeing short but have you noticed I'm not MetalGreymon anymore? I'm back to Koromon." Koromon tells him.

"Unbelievable. This can't be real." said Tai.

"It feels real to..." said Koromon, but then Koromon gets hit in the head with a ball that gets rolled back to a little girl in a blue dress.

"Hey!" shouted Tai, gaining the little girl's attention.

"Huh?" the girl replies.

"Tell us something." said Tai. "Where are we? Is this world for real or am I imagining it?"

"What?" the girl asked, confused by his question.

"We just want to know if you're a real human being." said Koromon, in between Tai's feet.

"Please tell us if you are a real girl or a digital girl?" Tai asked, but instead of giving him an answer, the girl cries and runs off.

"What did I do? Did I say something wrong to her?" asked Koromon.

"You scared her, Koromon." said Tai. "Now she's going to tell the park police."

"Ah the police! Will they arrest me for making her cry? Save me, Tai! They're gonna get me." begged Koromon.

"Quiet. Listen up, just pretend you're a soccer ball." Tai said to him, as he picks up Koromon. "Now let's get out of here so I can figure out what's going on."

Once they had left the park, Tai begins to look around the city. "This all looks so familiar, Koromon, this has to be my home." said Tai.

"Well, for your sake I hope so." said Koromon. "But how can you be certain you're not imagining it in the Digi-world, Tai?"

"Well, I guess we'll find out when we get to my house and see." said Tai. "Hey, did you hear what I just said? Until we go to my house. Wow, Koromon, this is got to be the happiest day in the world. I'm home, I'm home, I'm home."

Koromon giggles after being thrown into the air and spun around by Tai. "It's true, I'm home. I'm finally home." said Tai, bringing Koromon close to him. "I get to see my family and when they get one look at you, they'll know I'm telling the truth about Digi-world. I hope that Keiko's there with Nyaromon. We'll see if the others got home and hook up."

"Hm, I hope you're right. Let's go." said Koromon, smiling at his partner.

"It's a good thing I still have some of the camp money left. The subway's a lot nicer than walking home." said Tai as they entered the train station, taking them to another station that is right across of some apartment buildings. "Wow! Everything looks exactly the way it did on the day I left for camp. That's where I live, Koromon. Pretty neat, don't you think?"

Digimon: Digital Monsters Season 1Where stories live. Discover now