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Hey guys, how are you all doing?
So Parivaar is officially complete. But keep it in your libraries so that you get to know latest updates about me, my work and bonus chapters for Parivaar.

I am here for an announcement. My new book Meenakshi is ready to be read on Wattpad. Go ahead, add it to your libraries. I have gotten it ready for all of you to read. And there is a catch, give me more than 50 votes on a chapter and more than 10 comments, I shall increase the frequency of posting. 


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You are welcome to share your reviews and be a critic in helping me make the book better. I am yet to design the character aesthetics, so feel free to drop them too if you like. I would love to see your takes on my book.

See you all at Meenakshi.

Luv <3.

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