Chapter 25: Victory?

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"Bhabhi, bhaiya, we have some leads on this case. After following the accountant closely, we got a few leads. He has been meeting a person in the nights, almost at 12 AM in the morning near the bus stop. They make it look as if they are passengers with all the bags they carry. We have tried taking pictures and finding about them, but we are not having any clue. Can you look at these pics and see if you can remember or recognize the person?" Ved asked, looking at them. Rudra shook his head in a no while Anjali froze for a second. Rudra and Ved looked at her, wondering how she knew this person.

"I know." Anjali spoke. She looked at them looking at her with curious eyes. "His name is Vikram. Vikram Kumar. He wanted a share in our company when we started making our first million in Vaahan. We had approached him for partnership when we started but he denied us then. A year later when Vaahan had soared and had become the fastest growing start-up, he wanted to invest and take a share. He didn't like a no. Since his father was a politician, he was even more relentless. He tried putting defamation cases on us, framing us claiming that we were doing illegal things that made us grow to such a great extent. For about four months we silently bore his insults, but when things started getting out of hand, we gave away his real identity to the media." She paused. "He tried to install cameras in our offices and try to steal our personal information, but that misfired when he himself was caught in the act. He was arrested by the police, but then was released as his dad is a politician. And since then I haven't heard a word about him. I should have been more cautious, but his silence was pleasant and we let our guards down." She said, looking at them. "Is Arjun also affected in any way?" She asked Ved wondering if Arjun just like her decide to keep this a secret.

"No bhabhi. We ran a small check on all the people at Vaahan, but it was only you he had targeted. And like you told me bhabhi, Manish has increased the digital security in spite of having a strong protection. It certainly looks impenetrable." Ved said, making Anjali nod. Rudra had a far away look on his face, his hands fisted as he wondered how he could avenge her humiliation.

"How do we get a hold of this bastard?" Rudra asked, his jaw clenched.

"I think I know what to do." Anjali said, making the men look at each other seeing her sinister smile.

Anjali had successfully trapped Vikram by asking him to meet her to talk about investing in her company. Vikram had not realized that she was aware of his actions. The moment he stepped into the café to meet her, everyone around them walked out of the cafe and her guards sealed the cafe making Vikram panic. Before he could do anything, a sharp sting in his neck put him to sleep.

Vikram woke up in a dark, unfamiliar surroundings. His hands and legs were tied to the chair he was sitting on. He left out a grunt trying to free himself from the clutches. His hands burned as the rope cut his skin as he tried to move. The door of the room opened as Anjali walked in followed by Rudra and Ved. Anjali sat on the chair her bodyguard pulled for her. Rudra and Ved stood behind her, their stances conveying how furious they were.

"Why?" Anjali asked, her question making Vikram stop fidgeting.

He broke into a fits of chuckles and then into a full blown laughter. Rudra looked at the guard standing at the end of the room and nodded at him, who poured a bucket of cold water over Vikram, making him shiver in his place.

"She asked you something, you better respond properly, else consequences shall be miserable." Ved said, as he rubbed his right fist with his left hand. He itched to spoil that face of him that made his bhabhi suffer.

"I didn't think you would find out. Not this soon at least. There is still a lot waiting for you. The public should also know about this scandal. They way you robbed your own husband's wealth for your own selfish needs. Hey, even you are with her." His last words were directed at Ved. "Make sure she doesn't trap–" His words were cut short by a heavy blow on his right jaw by Rudra and before he could recover Ved punched him in his gut making him spit blood.

"Not a word against her. I shall kill you before you even think of harming her." Ved's voice shivered as he gritted his teeth tightly.

"She asked you something, answer that first." Rudra spoke for the first time.

"She framed me, humiliated me and put me behind bars. My father faced so much shame and embarrassment because of this, he lost the elections and finally he disowned me. All of this is because of her. She destroyed me." Vikram spoke, his words spitting like venom.

"All that embarrassment was because of you yourself. I didn't even need to do anything. You got caught when you tried to destroy me and my company." Anjali retorted, her eyes red with anger.

"Who asked you to deny me? You should face the consequences of denying me." Vikram spat, his voice muffled as his jaw was swollen, a thick black bruise forming.

"You denied me first. And then when you saw the company flourishing, you wanted to steal. And when I denied you even a penny, you decided to use your power and money on us. It was your stupidity that you failed." Anjali said, rage coursing through her words as she reminisced those days when he would create so many hurdles trying to tear down everything they built. A sense of recognition flashed through his eyes before hatred filled them. "Look, your actions have done something beyond repair, but still I am willing to let you go. Don't get me to destroy you. I shall not be lenient like last time." Anjali gave him an ultimatum. Vikram looked relieved but his ego didn't let him accept. This defeat was personal. He wanted to prove to his father that he was capable of bringing her to her knees, but she was invincible.

"There is no use of negotiating Anjali. He shall get what he deserves and I shall make sure of that." Rudra spoke and he led Ved and Anjali before giving his guards a look that explained what needed to be done.


Here's the end guys.

Just kidding. One more or two shall be up and then we are done. Parivaar has given me a family that I shall never forget. Lots of gratitude and blessings as the year ends. Parivaar shall end with this year and bonus chapters shall come along as New Year's treats for all of you. 

Luv <3.

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