Chapter 16: Honeymoon

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Anjali was the first one to wake up the following morning. Though she was a bit sore from being kept up all night, she felt blissful in every way. She glanced at Rudra whose arm was wrapped around her waist and his face nestled in her chest. She fondly caressed his hair as she smiled remembering the memories they made over the last year. His dadu was smart enough to send them away on a holiday two days prior to their second wedding anniversary. Their first one was celebrated in a simple dinner at the dhaba they first dined at before their marriage. They had to take care of Priyanshi then and they didn't want to be away from her. She needed their support and attention and she got every ounce of it.

This time it was different. Everything seemed to find its way to where it belonged and they found each other too. Anjali knew that she and Rudra had spent very little time with each other during the past year. Whatever time they had, they made the best use of it. None of them complained, as they were content with just having each other. She silently thanked her grandpa for making this match. She was Rudra's and he was hers. Period.

She wanted to make something special for their wedding anniversary, ensuring that both of them enjoyed it well. Though Rudra was not a fan of romantic gestures, she wanted to plan something simple yet meaningful for him. And she knew what she had to do.

When Rudr woke up that morning, he was the happiest person. He woke up to see Anjali smiling at him, while he was cuddled close to her heart. He wanted to snuggle and sleep again, but he knew that she would have been awake for a while now. He had to treat her to a good breakfast to restore their energy they had spent the previous night exploring each other. They also had places to sightsee and spend time apart from just being in the bed. Placing a soft kiss on her lips, he helped her up so that they could get ready for the day. Though they couldn't keep their hands away from each other, they still managed to get ready for breakfast. Rudra took Anjali to PIQNIQ, a popular place for food in Amsterdam. They served the best eggs, yogurt and some of the best mouth watering pancakes. He had reserved a place for them for brunch, as breakfast had already been delayed.

They then went sightseeing and collecting small souvenirs for their family and friends. The Anne Frank House and The Jordan were the things they covered. They headed to The Pantry for a late lunch and headed to the Red Light District to finish their tour. They headed back to their room after finishing up their dinner.

Anjali woke up first in the morning and found herself wrapped in Rudra's embrace. She smiled remembering his sweet gestures and his assaults as they made love last night again. Both of them were insatiable, and could never get enough of each other. She untwined herself from his strong hold and got ready for the day. She took out his clothes for their special day and laid them out on the table as she headed to wake her husband up.

"Happy anniversary Rudra." She placed a soft kiss on his cheek, playing with his hair that had fallen on his forehead. "Come on, you need to get up. We have so much to do today baby." She said, placing small kisses all over his face. Rudra stirred in his sleep and tried to adjust to the brightness in the room. Though Anjali had kept all the curtains closed, it was still bright inside the room. As he adjusted his sight, his eyes fell on his wife who was already dressed. He shook his head and sat by the headrest, still wondering if he was dreaming about his wife or was she like this in front of him. Seeing his surprise and confusion, Anjali chuckled and decided to tease him a little further.

"Did you forget what today is? Yesterday night, you were all praises about me and suddenly today, you look at me as if I am a stranger!" She teased, knowing well that he might flip the game anytime.

"Uh, no. I remember, happy anniversary baby, but why are you dressed like this? Is our family outside, is someone waiting for us? Have we gone back to India? What's going on?" He asked her, as he looked around for a potential clue.

"No Rudr, it's just the two of us. I have a small surprise for you, hence this attire. Go get ready. We need to have breakfast before we leave. Come on." She ushered him to get ready, only to be pulled onto his lap.

"Now, where are you running away? You look so stunning in this that I at least deserve a kiss right." Rudr asked, teasing her skin on her waist as she squirmed on his lap. Placing her lips on his, she took him off guard. Taking this chance she escaped from his hold, while Rudra was left with no choice but to get ready.

Anjali and Rudra headed to the Shiva temple in North Holland about 5 kms from where they were staying. Rudra had no idea of where they were heading except that Anjali was in her saree and he was in an informal kurta set. Anjali wanted to take him to a temple, and wanted to take blessings of Lord Shiva just the way they had done on their wedding. It was special to them as their wedding was a highly unofficial and simple one.

They took the blessings of the lord, praying for each other's health, happiness, peace and prosperity. They also prayed for this companionship in every birth. Anjali and Rudra offered flowers on the deity's feet and sat in silence with each other, cherishing the calmness the temple offered. When it was time to leave, Rudra stopped Anjali, asking her to close her eyes.

"I know our wedding was beautiful yet an unusual event for us. Both of them never expected to find each other nor get married that way. I have been meaning to do this for a while and I couldn't find the right time. But today this feels right, with the Lord and his presence, I wish to give you an indication of being my wife. Open your eyes baby." He said. Anjali opened her eyes to find Rudra staring at her with so much adoration, respect and love. Her eyes darted to his palm where he had a mangalsutra and sindoor. Anjali had never worn these because they never got married by the Hindu traditions, but seeing this her eyes glistened, sharing the joy and happiness she felt.

Both of them never felt the need to prove themselves married nor have a desire for these things. But Rudra felt that it was high time he gave her this. This was the least he could do. A wedding is something that is sacred to every couple, and nothing could be more sacred to be married in presence of the lord who himself was a profound lover.

"The other day I saw your response to your friend on your mangalsutra and sindoor and I felt it is high time I do this for you. Once we go back home, we shall also have a wedding where I shall make you mine again in presence of the holy fire, but for now, I wish to give you these. May I?" Rudra asked, gesturing to his palm. Anjali nodded wordlessly as tears cascaded down her cheeks. Rudra tied the mangalsutra around her neck and filled her partition with sindoor. A small pinch of it fell down onto her nose too. Rudra wrapped Anjali in a tight embrace, cherishing their union in front of the almighty. Placing a chaste kiss on her head, Rudra and Anjali pulled apart to head back to their room. 

Author's Note

Hey guys, here goes an update. India lost the finals. That felt so bad. It really depressed my mood badly. 

By the way, how's this chapter? A different surprise for each other. 

I also wanted to know, do you guys want another steamy chapter?

Let me know in the comments, so that I can get it ready for all of you. Love you all. Take care.


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