Chapter 9: Plans Ahead

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Anjali and Rudra were on a hike after which they returned to the cozy homestay they had rented for the weekend. Situated in the Gharwal region of Uttarakhand, this was the perfect place for nature, peace and serenity. Anjali and Rudra had retired back to the cottage after hiking every peak they could, catching up with each other about work, life and family. Anjali had stepped out of the shower wearing a tee and tracks, drying her hair while Rudra was setting beds by the fireplace as it had turned pretty cold for the night. They had finished their dinner early and had come back to retire for the night. As their eyes met, something sparked in them, as they walked towards each other in a trance holding each other's gaze.

The world disappeared into a distant memory, leaving the two souls to dance in desire. Their breaths, now synchronized, painted a portrait of longing in the cool air. The moonlight cast a silver glow on their bodies, creating enchanting shadows that danced to their rhythm of passion. The stars above were the myriad witness to their fervent love, blinked in approval, telling the tale of the sacred night. As the night wore on, their love deepened to an unquenchable flame that refused to be extinguished. In that moment, they found eternity in each other's arms and the universe marveled their love.

Days now were filled with teasings, banter and temptations that were fulfilled during the night. Anjali and Rudra basked in this new found routine. They would wait to get back home eagerly to each other, wanting to hold and cherish their love.

Anjali wanted to visit Netra, Arjun's wife at her workplace regarding her health and awareness. She also wanted to spend some time with her, without Arjun interrupting them. As she moved towards the neurology department, her sight fell on Priyanshi, Dev's girlfriend arguing with the ward boy. She tried to strike a conversation when she found Netra by her side.

"Hey. Hi. What are you doing here? All okay?" Netra asked, pulling Anjali's attention from Priyanshi towards her. Anjali responded fervently, hugging her before exchanging a hello.

"Do you know why she is here?" Anjali asked Netra, referring to Priyanshi, who was now nodding at the ward boy's words.

"Do you know her?" Netra asked in return.

"If everything goes well, she might be my sister-in-law. She is Priyanshi, Dev's girlfriend." Anjali explained.

"Let me find out then." Netra headed to the doctor's cabin asking her about the patient. About twenty minutes later, she came out with a cheeky smile that said she knew everything, but Priyanshi was scribbling on some forms and looked pretty nervous.

"Looks like she is going to be a mom. She was here for a check up and was asking about pregnancy termination and all." Netra said, sitting beside Anjali, who was now unsure of what she must do.

"Can I see the doctor? Why is Dev not here and why do I feel that she is up to something?" Anjali asked Netra, who looked at her for a moment and then nodded. She headed to the doctor's cabin while Netra was outside to keep a check on Priyansh.

"Hello mam, I am Anjali, Priyanshi's sister-in-law. I wanted to know if there is anything concerning Priyanshi that we must know." She asked. The doctor looked at her skeptically before she went ahead to explain how she is pregnant and she wanted to know about her health and check ups. Anjali nodded, listening carefully. She thanked the doctor and went out to meet Netra.

"Glad that you are back, she looks as if she is getting ready to leave." Thanking her, Anjali bid her a bye and left to meet Priyanshi.

"Hi Priyanshi, what are you doing here?" Anjali asked, catching up on her, who was ready to leave after collecting her medicines.

"Bhabhi, you scared me. What are you doing here?" Priyanshi asked in return praying that she does not ask about her reason to be here.

"I was here to meet my friend. What about you?" Anjali eyed the bag in her hand, and looked at her for an answer.

"Bhabhi—I—--that—medicines—-yeah, I needed some medicine, I was not feeling well. That's all Bhabhi." She said, trying to end the conversation.

"Oh, are you okay now?" Anjali asked.

"Yeah, Bhabhi I am good now. I saw the doctor and she helped me out." Priyanshi smiled.

"Great, where is Dev right now?" Anjali asked, making Priyanshi break into a cough. Anjali patted her back waiting for her cough to subside.

"Dev—um-Dev–is shooting Bhabhi. Why do you ask Bhabhi?" She asked, praying hard that none of this is about the pregnancy.

"Oh okay. Come home with me, you rarely come home, I would love to have you home before you get back to work." Anjali said, in a tone that couldn't be refused.

"Uh, okay Bhabhi, I'll just get my car." She said trying to find a loophole to escape.

"Don't worry, here, give me the keys, my driver shall get your car while I can drive us home." Anjali had meanwhile sent a message to Rudra asking him to call Dev as an emergency and get him home.

"Okay Bhabhi." Priyanshi meekly nodded to avoid any further doubts.


Anjali made small conversations with Priyanshi as they headed home, only increasing Priyanshi's nerves. Anjali was also constantly on her, texting someone, which she hoped was not Dev. Meanwhile Anjali was in a conversation with Rudra, asking him to bring home Dev, the matters were serious and that she would explain everything once they are home. Rudra agreed, sensing her emphasis and tone of writing. Dev was close to Delhi and he agreed to come as his brother demanded.

"How far along are you now?" Anjali asked, making Priyanshi choke on her saliva.

"Huh? Uh—Bhabhi!" She nervously laughed before she continued, "What do you mean Bhabhi?"

"I think you understand well, dear. How many weeks pregnant are you?" Anjali asked again, her attention completely now on Priyanshi, her phone long forgotten. Priyanshi was now caught and no lie could fix her truth.

"I am six weeks along, Bhabhi. How did you find out?" She asked, as she responded.

"I got to know about it. What are you planning to do?" She asked her, waiting for a positive response.

"I am not killing my child, bhabhi. This baby is a proof of our love. How can I harm it?" Priyanshi snapped, not liking her trail of thoughts.

"I never asked you about your plan of aborting your child. All I asked was your plan, what are you planning to do. Does Dev know? How are you guys going to manage? What about a marriage?" Anjali calmly replied, making Priyanshi shy away in embarrassment.

" bhabhi, Dev doesn't know. I shall tell him soon. I don't know how he is going to react." She said, lost in her thoughts, thinking about their future.

As they reached home, they got down and headed inside to find Rudra there. Anjali gave him a hug, while he eyed both of them suspiciously. "Is everything okay?" He asked Anjali, to which she responded with a yes.

"Are you hungry?" Anjali asked Priyanshi who suddenly had the appetite to eat. She meekly nodded and Anjali went to the kitchen to fix the girl a plate. Rudr followed her immediately, making her look at him. "Are you hungry?" She asked him, and he nodded slowly, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind. She quickly made some sandwiches and fixed three plates, one for herself too and handed one to him. She took the other two and went to the living room, where she saw Priyanshi being a bundle of nerves. She handed the plate to Priyanshi, distracting her from her long conversation in her head. Rudra sat down opposite to them, eating his sandwich, trying his best not to pry too much. He was curious and his wife being silent, did nothing to help him.

"Can someone explain what is going on?" He asked, his patience wearing thin. Anjali nodded towards Priyanshi who sighed, and decided to respond. But before she could speak, their house help announced Dev's presence which made each one have their own reactions.


How is Dev going to react? Do you want to add anymore drama?

Well, here goes another chapter.

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