Chapter 31

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She went into the room. She put her purse on the bed and took the clothes out of the closet. She went to the bathroom and locked the door behind her, so Omer couldn't come in. She sat on the floor and started crying.

Omer came to the room. He sat down on the bed and looked out the window. He heard Kıvılcım crying. He got up and went to the bathroom door. He grabbed the handle to open the door.

Omer: Kıvılcım? Did you lock the door?

Kıvılcım [in tears]: Omer, please. Leave me alone.

Omer: Darling, what's going on? Did something happen at work?

Kıvılcım: No.

Omer: Open the door. I can't stand you crying again.

Kıvılcım: I want to be alone.

Omer: My love, please. Let me help you.

Kıvılcım didn't answer. She started crying harder.

Omer: Kıvılcım? Open the door. I'm worried about you.

Kıvılcım: ...

Omer: 'Cause I'm gonna break down the door.

Kıvılcım looked at the door with frightened eyes. She got up off the floor and opened the door. Omer immediately went inside. He stood in front of her and they both looked into each other's eyes. He approached her and hugged her. Kıvılcım hugged him too.

Omer: Darling ...

Kıvılcım: I don't have the strength anymore.

Omer: Calm down. Come to bed. You will lie down. You're tired. Rest.

Kıvılcım went to bed with him. She lay down and fell asleep a few minutes later. Omer sat next to her for a while and went to Ali's room to see if he was asleep. Returning to the bedroom he met Metehan.

Omer: Son, what are you doing here? Go to bed, you have to get up early for class.

Metehan: I went to get water. And you? Why aren't you sleeping?

Omer: I can't sleep.

Metehan: Something wrong with Ali?

Omer: No. I just went to see if he was asleep.

Metehan: He's asleep.

Omer: I know. It's a good thing he's sleeping more and more. [he smiled]

Metehan: I will go to my room. Good night.

Omer: Good night.

Omer went to take a shower. He put on his pajamas and lay down next to Kıvılcım. He kissed her on the forehead and looked at her. Kıvılcım began to speak in her sleep.

„That's not true."

„That's not possible!"

„I have to do this."

„I have to, I'm sorry."

Omer called for her to wake up. Kıvılcım was shaking all the time.

„Omer, I have to do this."

As she said these words in her sleep, she hit Omer in the face with all her strength. He grabbed his face and walked away from her. He didn't know what was going on and didn't understand her words. What is impossible? What does he have to do? He had a headache. He called her again. Kıvılcım immediately woke up and sat down on the bed. She had trouble catching her breath. She looked at him. He had his hand on his face.

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