Chapter 15

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Kıvılcım and Omer went to the hospital for a follow-up appointment.

Doctor: Hello.

Kıvılcım/Omer: Hello.

Doctor: How are you Mrs. Kıvılcım?

Kıvılcım: I'm fine.

Doctor: That's good. There's only one month left until the baby's birth. Let's check on your son.

The doctor did an ultrasound. Everything looks perfect. The baby is developing properly. The doctor's smile doesn't go away. Kıvılcım and Omer are waiting for information from the doctor.

Omer: So everything is okay?

Doctor: Yes. Your son grow up very healthy. Now I can tell you that the baby's birth is in three weeks.

Kıvılcım: Good, 'cause I'd love to give birth right now.

Omer: Now she's just saying that. The other day, she said she was stressful about childbirth.

Doctor: Woman is flighty. Anyway, you can slowly prepare for childbirth. Pack your essential things to be ready in case of need.

Omer: Fine.

Doctor: From the preliminary findings, your birth will be a natural birth, while it may happen that you will need a cesarean section.

Kıvılcım: Ok.

Doctor: I'll see you in two weeks for your final follow-up appointment. See you.

Kıvılcım/Omer: Goodbye. See you.

They're back home. Omer continued cooking. Kıvılcım helps him prepare food. After a while, Sonmez returned home with Alev. Both helped Omer and Kıvılcım prepare dinner. Then they decorated the table, arranged the plates, cutlery, glasses and napkins. After a few hours the dishes were ready. Omer and Kıvılcım went to their room to change their clothes. Omer wore a black suit and Kıvılcım a long, tight-fitting, dark blue dress with long sleeves.

Omer: Darling, you look marvelous.

He went up to her and hugged her by the waist. He can't take his eyes off her.

Kıvılcım: Thank You. You look elegant, too.

Omer: Don't we want to impress Cimen's boyfriend too much?

Kıvılcım: Maybe ... [she smiled]

Omer looks at her with a smile.

Kıvılcım: What?

Omer: Nothing.

Kıvılcım: Omeeeer.

Omer: Well, what? Can't I look at my beautiful wife?

Kıvılcım kissed him and hugged him. Omer kissed her and put his hand on her stomach. Kıvılcım put her hand on Omer's hand. They were both very happy.

Omer: One month and we will welcome our son into the world.

Kıvılcım: Yes. I'm so happy.

Omer: Me too. I love you.

Kıvılıcm: I love you too.

Omer: Shall we go? Metehan will be here soon.

Kıvılcım: Let's go.

They went down to Sonmez and Alev.

Sonmez: You both look very elegant.

Kıvılcım/Omer: Thank You.

Alev: I'm very curious what kind of boy he is.

Kıvılcım: Me too. We'll find out soon. I hope he doesn't hurt Cimen.

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