Chapter 3

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Omer and Kıvılcım are on their way to the hospital. He really scared about her life. When Kıvılcım tries to say something, Omer grabs her hand and kisses her. She tries to smile, but the pain won't allow her to do this.

Omer: Darling, everything will be alright. We are going to the hospital.

Kıvılcım: My head hurts a lot.

Omer: I know but we will in the hospital in 5 minutes.

Kıvılcım: Ok. Thank You my love.

Omer: You don't have to thank me. [he smile]

They both look at each other with love. Kıvılcım knows that Omer is the perfect man who will do anything for her to keep her happy and healthy.


Meanwhile, Alev, Cimen, Doga and Sonmez are on their way to the hospital. Sonmez can't understand one thing - Are Kıvılcım and Omer MARRIED?

Sonmez: Did Omer say 'WIFE'?????

Alev: If yes, so what? They both love each other and they're adult people.

Sonmez: Oh Alev! I know they love each other, but after what Omer said, it means they got married in secret. What does that even mean?!

Cimen: Oh grandma ... Ok, I'm so happy for them but I really wanted to be at my mom's weeding.

Sonmez: Cimen!

Doga: Grandma please calm down. We should respect their decision. I actually understand them. [she smile]

Alev: YES! That's right. When Kıvılcım recovers, we'll organize a wedding for them.

Sonmez looks at Alev and shakes her head.

Cimen: Wait! If we found out by accident about the wedding, that means Metehan and the others don't know about it, right?

Doga: I think yes.

Sonmez: Oh my god. How we tell them?

Alev: About what? Wedding? Are you kiddnig?

Sonmez: What?

Cimen: We're not supposed to tell them. Mom and Omer should do it.

Alev: Yes. Now we close the topic and go to them.

Doga/Cimen/Sonmez: Ok.


Omer and Kıvılcım arrived to the hospital. The doctor took  Kıvılcım for examination, and Omer is waiting for her in the waiting room. After some time, she was transported to the room.

Doctor: Mr. Omer, right?

Omer: Yes, it's me.

Doctor: Please come with me to your wife.

Omer: Ok.

They both entered the room where Kıvılcım was.

Omer: Kıvılcım, are you ok?

Kıvılcım: Yes, I'm fine.

Omer: Mr. Doctor, Is my wife all right?

Doctor: He's got a slight concussion, but it'll go away in a while. Plus, I'll prescribe some vitamins.

Omer looks terrified at the doctor and then at Kıvılcım.

Doctor: Mr. Omer, calm down. Your wife is ok. Don't worry.

Omer: Ok, thank you.

Doctor: Your welcome, I'll go. Goodbye.

Omer/Kıvılcım: Goodbye.

Omer and Kıvılcım were left alone. Omer came closer to her and kissed her on the lip. Kıvılcım responded the kiss. Then Omer hugged her and kissed her on forehead.

Omer: I was so worried about you.

Kıvılcım: I know my love but as you see, everything is fine.

Omer: I see. [he smile]

At that moment Alev, Doga, Cimen and Sonmez entered the room where Kıvılcım.

Alev: How's the bride?

Kıvılcım: WHAT?

Cimen/Doga: Mom, we know everything.

Sonmez: Yes, we know about your weeding.

Kıvılcım looks at Omer and doesn't know what to say. Omer's in shock, but he knows why they know about the wedding. He smile.

Omer: Darling, when you fainted ...

Kıvılcım: Yes????

Omer: I said to you 'my wife'.

Kıvılcım: Ah, OMER!! .... Fine ... Offff ... That's not how you were supposed to find out. 

Omer: It happened.

Everyone started laughing, and Kıvılcım grabbed Omer's hand so much that it hurts him.

Omer: Ouh, and that's for what?

Kıvılcım: For that my husband. [she started laughing]

Cimen/Doga: Mom, by the way – Are you ok?

Kıvılcım: Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry. Today I'll back home.

Omer: Today? No way.

Sonmez: Omer is right. Stay one day here.

Alev: I agree.

Kıvılcım: Ok, but please don't worry about me. Go back home. I'll see you tomorrow.

Alev/Cimen/Doga/Sonmez: Ok, see you tomorrow.

Omer: Bye.

Alev: Bye, bye my married couple.

Kıvılcım: ALEV! GO HOME!

Alev: Ok sister.

They were alone again. Kıvılcım moved to one part of the bed. Omer looked at her, didn't know what was going on.

Omer: Kıvılcım?

Kıvılcım: Will my husband stay with me tonight?

Omer: Of course my wife. I'll stay with you. Now and forever.

Omer went to the bed and lay down beside Kıvılcım. They're both face to face, looking into each other's eyes. They're getting closer, their noses touching. Kıvılcım kisses Omer on the lip, puts his head on his chest. He kissed her on the head and they both fall asleep. In the meantime, the nurse was checking patients room because visiting time was up. Entering Kıvılcım room, she saw that she was sleeping with Omer on the same bed. It was such a lovely view, she couldn't get Omer out. She smiled and left.

Nurse: What a lovely couple. 

Chapter 3 end

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