Chapter 21

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Kıvılcım has a visit in the hospital. She went alone because Omer had an important meeting at the company. Sonmez came to their house to take care of Ali.

Doctor: Hello, Mrs. Kıvılcım.

Kıvılcım: Hello.

Doctor: What brings you to me?

Kıvılcım: There was a problem with feeding again. Even if I manage to feed my son, I'm in a lot of pain.

Doctor: I understand. We'll do some tests. Then we'll see what happens next.

Kıvılcım: Fine.

They both went into the next room. The doctor did some necessary tests. Then they went back to the office.

Kıvılcım: So, it's good or not?

Doctor: The meds I gave you didn't work. You need to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Kıvılcım: Is this something serious?

Doctor: No. You didn't breastfeed for a while after you gave birth. It caused the loss of your food. We'll put you on some other meds and see what happens.

Kıvılcım: Okay.

Omer called her after the meeting.

Omer: Darling? What the doctor said?

Kıvılcım: I have to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Omer: What happened? Kıvılcım?

Kıvılcım: The meds I was given earlier didn't work. They're gonna give me other meds.

Omer: I'll come to you right away.

Kıvılcım: No.

Omer: What's mean ...

He couldn't finish his sentence because she interrupted him.

Kıvılcım: No, Omer. You don't have to come.

Omer: What about our son?

Kıvılcım: You're his father. You'll spend some time alone. You come with him tomorrow, okay?

Omer: Okay. See you tomorrow.

Kıvılcım: See you.

Metehan and Cimen came home from class. They said hello to Sonmez and sat down next to her.

Sonmez: Welcome, kids. How was your day?

Metehan: Hello. Very good.

Cimen: Hello, grandma. A day like a day, nothing special. And you?

Sonmez: Good, thank you.

Metehan: How's our little brother?

Sonmez: He's asleep. After Kıvılcım left, he cried all the time.

Cimen: He misses his mom.

Metehan: By the way, where are they?

Sonmez: Omer should be home any minute. Kıvılcım went to the doctor this morning. Maybe they're going home together.

Metehan: Maybe.

Sonmez: I'm gonna ask you something. But answer honestly.

Cimen: About?

Sonmez: Do you have any contact with your parents, I mean Leman and Kayhan?

Metehan: Yeah, we talk to them sometimes. They go to Canada some time ago.

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