Chapter 23

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Metehan and Cimen came to Alev's house. They put Kıvılcım's clothes in the hallway and went to the living room to Alev.

Alev: Hello.

Metehan/Cimen: Hello, Alev. What's up?

Alev: Good. How are you?

Metehan: Let's say it's okay.

Alev: I understand. It's not good lately.

Cimen: True.

Metehan: Where is mom?

Alev: She went to bed. She was exhausted. Since she got here, she couldn't calm down. She cried all the time.

Cimen: I feel so sorry for her. I can't watch her suffer like this.

Alev: Me too, Cimen.

Metehan: Does dad know that she's here?

Alev: Yeah, but don't tell mom that he knows.

Cimen: Aha ... I understand.

Alev: I know I shouldn't, but I don't know what to think about all this. I can't believe Omer would be capable of such a thing as betrayal.

Metehan: Me, too. But I saw what I saw. Even if she's not his mistress. Why couldn't he just call and tell that he was seeing an old friend?

Alev: You're right. He should called.

Ünal house:

Pembe entered the office where Omer and Abdullah were.

Pembe: I'm sorry to bother you, but dinner is ready. Omer, will you eat with us?

Omer: We're already finished our conversation. I would love to eat dinner with you.

Abdullah: Let's go.

Pembe: I hope everything's all right?

Omer: Let's say, it could be better.

Pembe: Something happened?

Omer: A little misunderstanding at home.

Pembe: Probably by Kıvılcım.

Abdullah: For God's sake, Pembe!

Omer: No, sister-in-law.

Pembe outraged went to the dining room.

Abdullah: I'm so sorry you for her.

Omer: Don't apologize. I'm used to it.

A moment later, all three of them ate a meal. No one spoke ... until the time.

Pembe: I don't know if you know Omer, but Fatih is coming home soon.

Omer choked on food. He reached for a glass and took a sip of water.

Pembe: Are you okay?

Omer: Yes. I just didn't expect this kind of information.

Abdullah: Believe me, me too.

Pembe: The doctors said the treatment helped. He's acting normal. He's been cleared to leave the hospital.

Omer: Not too fast?

Pembe: I remember what Fatih did, but let's not make him a psychopath.

Omer: And I thought you understood.

Abdullah: Don't argue.

Omer: We're not arguing. I'll go now. There's no point in continuing this conversation.

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