Bad movies & touches

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"Movie night in Tooney and Lessy's room!" A voice yelled through Georgia and Leah's door.

The two girls turned and looked at each other. "So I heard there's a movie night in Tooney and Lessy's room?" Leah said with a laugh.

"I swear to god if Tooney makes us watch Step Up again, I'll kick off. I'm not even joking." Georgia sighed as she threw herself back on the bed.

"Rock paper scissors to see who goes on the snack run?" Georgia asked without sitting up.


Both girls shuffled forwards and sat on the edge of their beds. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." They said in sink as they shook their fists. First round both girls drew scissors. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."

"Ahh shit." Leah mumbled when Georgia cut her paper with his scissors.

G first pumped and lay back on the bed. "I'll have the usual, please young Leah!"

"You'll get what you're given." Leah mumbled as she slid some shoes on before grabbing her wallet and room key.

"Big talk. I'll meet you there. Love you!" Georgia finished the sentence with a shout as Leah closed the room door.


"Ok, c'mon Leah, stop being a dick." Leah muttered to herself before reaching up and knocking on the door in front of her. After waiting a few seconds the door was pulled open.

"Oh, hey Leah. You good?"

"Hey, Fin." Leah paused as she took in the girl in front of her clad in Grey Nike shorts and a matching hoodie.

The two stood there for a moment, neither girl saying anything. "So...what's up? You okay?" Finley eventually said with a laugh.

"Shit, yeah, sorry. So there's a movie night in Tooney and Lessy's room...I wanted to ask if you wanted to come? Y'know, get to know the girls better?" Leah paused as she lifted up her plastic bag. "I have snacks?"

Finley smiled at the girl in front of her. "I mean, to be honest, it kind of depends what snacks you have?"

Leah smiled and winked at the taller girl. "Got to risk it to find out. Could be amazing? Could be a bag of prunes. What're you gonna do?"

Finley pretended to think about it for a moment as she eyed up the plastic bag in Leah's possession. "That would be awesome. Lemme just grab my phone real quick?"

Leah nodded and watched how Finley dipped into her room. What confused her more than anything was the butterflies that were currently trying to escape from her stomach, she hasn't felt like this in a long time, and now she's having it when spending a few minutes alone with Fin.

"Ok, I'm good." Finley said with a sigh as she walked out and closed the door after her, shoving her phone and room key in the pocket in her shorts.

"Let's go." Leah gestured for them to walk to the room, trying not to be an absolute creep and inhale the scene of Finley's aftershave lingering as she closed her room door.

"So they're not gonna mind me crashing, right?" Finley checked once they reached the room.

"Course not." Leah said with a laugh as she knocked on the door.

"It's Le!" They heard a voice yell before the door swings open. "And Finley!"

"Alright, Less." Leah greeted as she walked into the room and threw Georgia's snacks towards her.

Finley walked in and gave a small wave to the smiling faces in the room. It wasn't all the girls by any means, maybe 12 or so, but spending time with 12 of the girls is better than spending the night alone like a hermit.

"Hey Fin, has anyone ever told you you smell really good?" Beth shouted as Finley walked passed the girl situated on the bed.

"Actually yeah, your ma told me last night." Finley automatically quipped before covering her mouth. "Shi-"

Finley was quickly cut off by roaring laughter coming from the girls as a few dived on Beth as the girl looked shocked.

"Ok ok, calm down!" Beth tried to calm the girls down. "A worthy opponent I see."

Once the laughter had died down Leah went and took a seat in between the two beds in the room on the floor, grabbing a blanket that one of the girls had brought from their room. Managing to make eye contact with Fin, Leah gestured to the spot next to her and patted the space with her hand a few times. Finley wasted no time and stepped over a few girls before planting herself down next to her new friend.

"Ok so It's Mary's turn to pick a film, guys." Ella shouted from her spot over the girls chatter.

Mary took the remote and began flicking through films so Leah took this time to lay the snacks that she bought on her lap. Picking up some Reece's pieces she offered them to Finley.

"Want some?"

Finley leaned away slightly and shook her head. "No thanks, I'm allergic to nuts." In more ways than one was the joke running through Finley's mind.

Leah nodded and moved the packet away, swiftly throwing it to Georgia who was on the bed that was nearest to her.

"You could have had them, y'know? I'm not like deathly allergic, it wouldn't have killed me."

Leah nodded and looked through her other snacks, checking the back of a few to check for allergy warnings. "Yeah but why would I wanna have them when you're next to me and allergic. It's no big deal." She finished by flashing a smile.

Eventually Mary settled on a film so one of the girls went and turned off the lights in the room, allowing the TV to be the only warm glow of light.

Opening a bag of popcorn, Leah used her elbow to nudge Finley's side, sticking the bag out to her when she got her attention. Finley smirked and reached in to take a small handful.

The film went on for about an hour before half the girls got bored and decided to scroll through their phones instead, Finley being one of them. Feeling a nudge in her side, she turned to face Leah who was pointing at her phone which had Instagram open. Shrugging here shoulders to signal she didn't know what Leah went, the girl then held her hand out, signalling for Finley to hand over her phone.

Finley handed her phone over but shuffled a bit closer to Leah, letting their thighs touch so she could see what she was actually doing. Seeing she typed in her own name and clicked the follow bottom she nodded.

Leah still had control of Finley's phone so quickly followed a few of her teammates on her account. Clicking of Instagram she quickly selected contacts and typed in her number, saving it under her name and handing her phone back before pulling out her own.

Leah twisted her body slightly so her back angled to Finley slightly and leaned back, letting her body rest on the taller girl.

Finley practically held her breath once Leah had positioned herself, scared that if she breathed it would move her body and cause the girl to move.

The film continued as the two stayed in the same position, both content with their bodies connecting as they each played on their phones.

"Mearps, that was fucking terrible, you're not picking films again."

Make Me Better | Leah WilliamsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant