Fisty cuffs & cards

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Finley snapped her head up from her notepad from where she was sitting on the bench. It was the final game of this camp as the team faced Spain, which meant a few more days and she'd be off home to finish packing up her belongings and moving over to England. Ever since her and Leah's kiss a few days ago she's felt like she's on cloud 9, she's got a great job, the girl she's crushing on likes her back, she's made loads of new friends, she almost couldn't believe it. The two girls had had a brief conversation between them after their kiss that they would keep it between themselves for now, however that all went down the drain when they realised a few of their nosey friends had hung around the training field and had witnessed everything - she's not heard the end of it since.

It was currently still 0-0 and tempers on the pitch were rising quickly, especially for a friendly. From the very first whistle Spain had made it clear it wasn't just a friendly game for them as they continuously left their feet in on challenges which had quickly gained reactions from all the girls both on the pitch and on the bench.

Finley turned her attention to where Serina was standing on the touch line before she walked out of the substitute area and stood so she was next to the coach.

"Yeah?" She asked as she glanced at the pitch, seeing Spain getting ready to set up for a corner.

Serina made a face as she focussed on the field. "Did Alessia mention anything to you? She looks like she's been limping since the whistle."

Finley took a second to think back. "No, I did a check on them all yesterday and she was good, aced every test."

Serina nodded as she took a deep breath, hoping her striker hadn't picked up a knock. "Check on her at half time, would you? If you think she needs pulling then let me know."

Finley nodded and went to open her mouth In confirmation before shouts from the girls on the bench rang out as they all headed to the touch line. She turned her head to glance at the girls with confusion on her face however she quickly got the gist when she heard the referee's frantic blow of his whistle. She faced the pitch and could see a crowd of girls from both teams about twenty feet from her position, all the girls were yelling and Finley swears she seen a couple of fists being thrown. Her theory was proven when she seen girls start to shove each other as they got in each other's faces.

The referee and a few of the girls who weren't involved in the altercation tried to separate the aggravated players but to no avail as they were getting pushed out the way. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a few staff from the Spanish side make their way onto the field and rushing over to the group. Finley turned her head and glanced at Serina who stared at the Spanish staff trying to separate the girls.

"Fin, go." She instructed. Finley nodded and set off on a jog to the girls. The first pair she came across was a Spanish player shouting in Lauren's face as she tried to walk away. She quickly stepped in between them and put a hand on the Spanish players chest.

"Déjalo." She said, thankful for the minimal Spanish she actually remembered from school. She put a bit of force on the hand on the players chest and used it to softly push the girl away, nodding at the girl when she nodded and turned around to walk in the opposite direction.

Finley used her height to look over a group of players that just seemed to be arguing with each other but with no violence, her eyes locked on Beth, Leah and Millie in the middle of the group with Beth trying to get around the referee to another player whilst she shouted, backed up by her two team mates.

She pushed her way through the crowd and got to group at the center, seeing that it seemed to be a group of four Spanish players arguing with the three English. As she approached them she seen one of the Spanish players making their way to Leah and pushing her shoulder, causing Leah's body to jerk and for more shouts from the girls. "Hey!" Finley yelled when she seen the action, stepping in the referee's place whilst he turned around to face the Spanish players. "Hey!" She shouted again over the three girls she was facing. Leah went quite first followed by Millie then Beth.  She scanned over the girls and noticed Leah had a trickle of blood coming from a small cut on her eyebrow, Beth had what looked like nail scratches on her neck and Millie had a hand holding her stomach.

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