Head boo-boo's & gays

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"Here's Kelly to step up to the corner spot, Lionesses hoping she'll do what she does best here and get the ball to one of their own. Theres a bit of tussling in the box here... but the referee turns a blind eye to it, it seems." The commentator paused whilst the girls on both the England and United States team tussled for position in the box. "Kelly, over the heads in the box and to the far post. Williamson goes up for it..ooo and she goes down just as quick, and she's stayed down here."

"Le, you good?" Beth asks as she crouches down to check on her teammate on the ground with her head in her hands. Leah looks up and Beth immediately turns around to face the bench, motioning they need the medics to hurry up. "Stay down, mate." Beth added, placing her hand on Leah's shoulders and pushing gently, keeping her on the ground. "Mills, we need a medic, man." Beth muttered to Millie as the taller girl came walking over after arguing with the referee.

"Yeah, okay, I'm on it." With her orders Millie took off running towards the sideline.

"Where the fuck is Gerry?!" Sarina Weigman shouted as she threw her water bottle to the ground. "What's happening Millie?"

"I think she's took an elbow to the face or something. She's bleeding and is sorta out of it. We need Med." Millie explained before bending down and picking up a few water bottles to take over to the rest of the team.

"Where is he!?" Sarina asked again. "He's a team doctor and he's not here during game time?" She mumbled to herself.

Millie stood at the sideline to see what Sarina wanted them to do. They could move Leah off the pitch but they can't bring her down the tunnel by themselves, especially without checking her out.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Millie snapped her head towards the voice that came from besides them. "Hi...so I couldn't help but overhear." The girl paused and gestures to Sarina who was still shouting to herself at the lack of medics around. Millie laughed and nodded her head. "I'm a med for the U.S...I'm happy to check your teammate out?" Only now did Millie note the girl in front of her was wearing black shorts with a United States badge on accompanied by a white USA training T shirt.

Millie nodded her head and turned to Sarina and opened her mouth before quickly closing it. "You know what, yeah, c'mon." Millie started off in a jog and could hear the girl follow her.

"Fin?" Millie heard a few of the American girls question when they seen their medic jogging onto the pitch.

"I can multi-task." The girl replied as she carried on jogging, eventually slowing down when they met the girl on the ground surrounded by a couple of her teammates. "Hey guys, can I get in here?"

The girls automatically made room but all threw looks back to Millie who stood there with a shrug as she drank some water.

Crouching down, the medic lay down her bag and went in an open pocket to pull out a pen light. "Hi, my names Finley, you're Leah, right?" Leah nodded her head. "I'm gonna put some pressure on your nose. Try not to hit me or something okay?" Leah smiled through the pain but quickly grimaced when she felt the dry towel immediately go to her nose and push. "Awesome. Ok I need you to follow this light for me okay?"

Leah complied and followed the movements of the pen. Once the small task was complete Leah took the girl in front of her in. Her dark hair was tied up in a messy bun on top of her head, revealing a small tattoo behind her ear. If Leah didn't already feel like her head was trying to float away, the beauty of this stranger most definitely would.

"Perfect. How's your head feeling, Leah? Any double vision? Dark spots?" Finley paused as Leah nodded. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Sort of?" Leah mumbled.

Finley nodded and reached forward to gently remove the towel from Leah's face, grimacing when the girl flinched at the feeling. "I know, I know it sucks." Once the towel was removed she had a quick look at Leah's nose and poked each side gently once and then ran her finger down the nasal bone. "You haven't broke it, you're gonna have a killer of a bruise though. I'm talking 5 rounds with Mike Tyson." Leah laughed at Finley's lame joke attempt. "But I do think you've got a concussion. Colliding with a Lindsay Horan elbow will do that. You're gonna have to go off." Finley paused and looked around for Millie who came forward when she noted the girl searching for her. "Once your coach has finished...kicking off...will you tell her to sub up?" Millie nodded and ran off once again to the sideline.

Turning back towards her patient on the floor she smiled and passed the towel back to her. "Here, put this back on okay? The more pressure the quicker it'll stop bleeding. This is gonna suck but you're gonna have to stand up." Finley stood up first and bent down to wrap Leah's arm around her neck, giving her assistance to stand up.

"Why is the world spinning." Leah groaned.

Finley let out a laugh and used her hand that wasn't around Leah's waist to reach down and grab her Medic bag.

"So...the United States staff are earning their money, huh? Don't see that everyday. Alright here we go, the red is blowing the whistle to indicate the corner kick after the ball trickled out after Williamson hit the deck. We'll of course let you know of any updates we get about Leah Williamson."

Is this replacing Lucky Charm (Mal Pugh)? Yes. Sorry. I'll keep that up, but this has been in my head for a bit I have things planned for it but everytime I go to write it, I was losing the will to live. So, let's change it up. First few chapters will be similar, obviously. But then we'll venture into new water.

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