Sliding it down & Vitals

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"I agreed to date you, but that doesn't mean you get to shove whatever you want down my throat and expect me to swallow it."

Leah's eyes widened as she placed her bottle of water on the table. "I'm really hoping that I'm hearing the wrong end of this conversation?" She asked as she sat down.

Beth leaned over to Leah. "They've been like this since they got here but I swear down I don't have a clue what they're arguing about." She muttered out the side of her mouth, eyes firmly glued on the arguing Lucy and Keira.

"Guys?" Alessia tried to interrupt from her seat.

"Oh that's slightly dramatic, you put it in your mouth, let it slide down the swallow, you barely taste it." Lucy threw her hands up in exasperation.

"This is better than TV. Gross. But better than TV." Beth muttered.

"It feels so wrong though that they're arguing." Alessia mumbled.

"Yeah but it also kinda reminds me that they're human."

"Alright, ladies!" Serina announced loudly as she walked in, instantly getting the attention of the girls. "I'm not gonna take much of your time, I know you're all eager to start the bleep test." All the girls in the room collectively groaned

"Kill me." Leah muttered to herself as she dropped her face into her hands, silently thanking her face being healed since the last camp.

"But, we have a new member to the team to welcome. This is Finley Dixon, she's our new team medic. Any fitness questions or queries, go to her. Any twinges or aches you go to her. If you get a paper cut, you go to her. You feel sick, you go to her. The Euro's are in a year, we're not risking any injuries, okay?" Serina paused as all the girls nodded. "I'm gonna let Finley say a few words, okay?"

Finley stood up and gave a small wave to the room. "God these things are always awkward, huh?" She said with a sarcastic smile. "But yeah, my names Finley Dixon, I got my degree a year ago, I'm 23. Uhh, what else, I'm sure some of you probably know I used to be a Medic for the United States womens team. I'm actually originally from the UK but moved to San Fran when I was 18 and now I'm back, I guess." Finley looked around the room trying to take in as many faces as she can, immediately clocking one face in particular that she's thought of a few times since the last camp. "And yeah. Need anything feel free to talk to me." Fin held a hand up and sat down.

"Ok ladies, that's it. Outside, let's go." Serina shouted from her seat, the squad immediately getting to their feet and slowly making their way outside.

Leah was walking when she heard footsteps catch up to her.


"Don't." She interrupted as soon as she heard Georgia's voice.


Leah playfully glared at her friend. "You know what."

Georgia rolled her eyes. "Fine. Alls I'm saying is... you've got eyes on you."

Leah began looking around straight away, head whipping to her side.

"Mmmm thought you didn't care, huh?" Georgia said, smug smile plastered over her face as she caught Leah out.

"Hey guys." Leah turned on the spot at the voice she heard just a few minutes ago. "I wanna measure a couple of people's resting heart rate, just to see where the baseline is, do you mind if I take a note of yours?"

Georgia looked down at her friend and grinned. "Actually Fin, I've got an smart watch on, its got my heart rate and stuff. Here." G turned her wrist so Finley could jot down the numbers.

"Your resting heart rest is awesome." Finley muttered as she wrote down the numbers on a clipboard she was holding. "Annnnnd I'm done, thanks?" Finley trailed off.

"It's Georgia, Georgia Stanway." She said as she stuck a fist out, smiling as Finley stuck her own out to bump it. "Anyways I'm gonna go warm up. Oh, this is my friend Leah. I think you remember her!" Georgia rushed out as she gave Leah small shove.

Finley laughed at the glare Leah shot Georgia's way. "I do remember. Good to see your face made a full recovery."

Leah laughed and brushed her hand over her face. "Yeah just about...thanks to you."

"Thanks to me? It was a bruise, it would have healed regardless, man." Finley laughed as she shrugged her shoulders.

Leah's eyes widened. "I mean uhhhh, I could have died...I might have took Asprin and you told me not thanks for...saving my life? I guess?"

Finley stood there with a grin covering her face. She was glad it's not just Leah that gets her flustered.

"You know what, you're right. I'm basically a hero." Finley threw a wink in Leah's direction. "So...can I check your vitals?"

"Oh crap, yeah, yeah of course." Leah rushed out as she dropped her water bottle to the ground. "What do you need me to do?"

"Stick out your arm for me?"

Leah did as she was told and stuck her arm out. She tried her best to ignore the tingling coating her skin once Finley took hold of her wrist, she really did. But the sparks that shot up her arm were hard to ignore.

Finley stuck her forefinger and middle finger on her wrist and waited 15 seconds before writing a number down. Taking a step closer she held Leah's wrist in one hand, and used her other hand to do the same motion on the inside of Leah's elbow, again waiting for a few seconds. "Alright, awesome. Do you mind if I check again after practice?" Finley asked, still holding Leah's arm. Not that either girl minded.

"Yeah...definitely." Leah said with a smile before quickly frowning. "Wait. I mean no, I definitely don't mind. Feel free."

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