Presents & Greek food

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Leah turned her head at the sound of her name being called, unable to miss the fairly tall stature of Finley jogging towards her.

It was early evening and the girls and a couple of the staff had decided to go out for some food and drinks for the night, as soon as they left the hotel Leah had quickly lost sight of Finley, not that she had been keeping an eye out for her or anything, and she had began to question if the girl had changed her mind and decided to stay at the hotel. Meaning this was the first chance for Leah to take in how good Finley looked in clothes that weren't the training gear. I mean okay, it was still shorts and a T shirt, but it was different.

"Hey." Leah says with a grin as Finley reaches her, quickly having time to give the taller girl one last admiring glance. "Where did you disappear to?"

Finley gestured her head to the side and stepped away, indicating for Leah to step to the side with her, following out of the group of the girls that were all walking together. "Brought you a present." Finley said with a grin before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a can of misting spray, just like the one they had used on the field a couple of hours prior.

Leah let out an over dramatic dramatic gasp which made Finley laugh and put her fingers to her lips. "Shhh, precious cargo."

Leah winked and opened her purse. "I know they say sharing is caring...but in this case sharing is stupid. This is ours."

Finley stuck her pinky finger out. "Our secret. Unless those guys find out. Then you stole it from me, deal?"

"They won't find out, it's fine." Leah said as she sprayed it one last time over her face before placing it safely in her purse. "Right let's go, we're falling behind."

Finley nodded and motioned her arms forward to allow Leah to go first before she joined next to her.

"So tell me about you." Leah asked as the pair walked together, although it was a comfortable silence, she decided to take the time she has with the girl to know more about her.

"Well...what do you want to know?"

Leah shrugged in response. "Anything. Did you always wanna be a medic?"

"Sorta. Up until I was like 17 I wanted to be a singer or a football player to be honest. But I got in an accident and got a brain injury, and I developed epilepsy. It's pretty under control, but that combined with the other injuries meant football was written off, and then realistically if i did get anywhere with music, I couldn't handle the lights...or the stress, to be honest. So they were both gone. But I always had like a fascination with the human body, and I love sports, so i thought may as well combine them together and luckily I was stuck in a hospital bed for a good while, and music can be my little hobby that I enjoy, and medicine became my career."

"Jesus, that's heavy, Fin. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Especially so young, man." Leah spoke softly, reaching her hand out and placing it on Finleys arm for a second in empathy.

"It's fine, honestly. Lots of therpay means i've finally come to terms with it. Did you always wanna play football?"

"God yeah, it was always my escape, like my thing you know? And as I got older I got the opportunity came to make a career out of it." Leah explained, priding herself on not trying to picture Fin singing to her. "Where are you actually from?"

The two were interrupted by Georgia shouting. "Hey lovers, we're going in here for food!"

Leah turned her head to hide the blush trying to rise in her cheeks, silently vowing to give her friend an earful later. Neither girl said anything, instead walking into the restaurant. Leah walked to the far end of the table and sat down, Beth on one side of her and an empty seat on the other side.

Make Me Better | Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now