The desk and the slave driver

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"Just admit you can't do it!" Leah said between bellowing laughter. Finley had been trying to build an office desk for the past 2 hours, she'd previously thought she had it all done, but then realized she had missed a good 8 screws and had to take the whole thing apart and rebuild. 

Finley sighed and rested her hands on the pieces of wood in front of her, screw hanging out her mouth. "That would be admitting failure, Leah Williamson." She said, her voice muffled by the screw.

Leah threw her head back and laughed again from her seat on the chair. Finley had ever so confidently declared she didn't need any help and Leah was to 'sit there, look pretty, read her the instructions'. "Fin!" She cackled out at the girls determined face, her sides hurting from how much she had been laughing. 

Finley turned her body to face Leah and took the screw out of her mouth, pouting before crossing her arms. "Stop!" She whined, only causing the blonde to laugh harder.

"You have like 6 other things to put together, just pay a guy to come do it." 

Finley pulled a face and held her hand out to silence Leah. "Pay a guy? Leah, I did pay a guy and they came in and hit on you! I am a strong, independent woman, I don't need to pay  a guy. Silly girl." She stated as it was obvious. "Now, read me out step 7 again, please." 

Leah cleared her through before scanning over the instructions. "Place piece A next to piece D and align. When aligned, use 3 number 9 screws, and screw till attached." 

"Mmmhmm." Finley stood as she glanced over the pieces of furniture around her. "Mmm, okay. Yeah. I see a minor problem here."

"Go on."

"I only have 1 number 9 screw." Finley's words caused Leah to erupt in laughter once again. "Stop! This is clearly a manufacturing error. This one isn't on me!"

"Are you sure? Did you use them somewhere else?" 

Finley looked back at the furniture with a frown. "! You've read anything out to me. So if i've used the wrong ones, that's you're fault."

Leah gasped as Finley chuckled at herself. "Don't try and put the blame on me."

"Where there's blame, there's a claim" Leah couldn't help but laugh as Finley laughed at herself again. She can't remember laughing so much with one person. The pair have spent the whole day laughing at the most stupid things. Her cheeks are actually hurting from laughing so much. Maybe this is what it's meant to feel like?

Finley looked at the blonde in front of her who was creasing. When she makes Leah laugh, she feels like the proudest girl in the world. Like she should get a medal just for making sure a smile is on her face. "Right, i'll be right back!" Finely announced before walking out of the room. 

Leah sat there for a few minutes, letting her laughter subside as she glanced around the room that they were currently turning into Finley's office. She glanced up at the pictures she had placed on the wall, her degree proudly sat in it's own frame, a framed signed shirt by Marta hung up next to it. She sat there for a while longer, finally noticing she couldn't hear anything. No footsteps, no voices, no anything, just silence, causing her to quickly get suspicious. "Fin?" She yelled out, silence greeting her in response. Growing suspicious, she got to her feet and slipped on her crocs before wondering around the flat. "What are you doing!" She exclaimed when she eventually found Finley laying on the couch.

"Hiding." Finley's voice was muffled by her arm covering her face.

Leah made her way over to the couch so she was standing in front of it. "Hiding from what?"

"My slave driver." Finley replied before moving her arms and quickly grabbing Leah's waist and pulling her to lie on top of her. "Quick before she sees you!" 

Leah gigged as Finley's arms wrapped themselves tightly around her waist as Leah lay on top of her. Finley buried her head in Leah's neck and Leah tried her best to stop the goosebumps from taking over her body at the breath on her neck when she spoke. "Her name is Miss Williamson, if she sees me she'll make me build shit again. And honestly, I don't want to. I'd rather pluck hairs out my nipple than do it. So we're hiding, okay?" 

Leah rolled her eyes and placed a kiss to the side of Finley's head. "Got it, baby." She spoke softly. 

The pair lay like that for a while. Finley's legs had intertwined themselves in Leah's as she used a hand to softly brush up and down the blondes back. Both feeling at piece as she lay their in silence, occasionally placing a soft kiss on whatever part of the other they could reach. 

"I've gotta go to Manchester the day after tomorrow." Finley broke the pair's silence. 

Leah lifted her head up and frowned. "Why?"

"Ella messaged me saying her knee is feeling off. I need to go and do some checks. Contacted United and they're happy for me to go in and check the England girls out, make sure everything is good."

"How long will you be gone?" 

"Probably only a night." Leah nodded against Finley's shoulder. She could deal with that, just. But also not wanting to come across clingy. She'd been messed around before, and she know's it had given her some insecurities. She gets clingy, she gets jealous. She doesn't meant to. But the logical side of her brain doesn't work in those moments, all what goes through her head is that it's happening again, she's being pushed to the side again, she's getting hurt again. Her thoughts were interrupted by Finley's voice again. "Go out with me, tomorrow."

Leah smiled slightly. "Like a date?"

"Not like a date. A date. Go on a date with me." Finley responded softly.

Leah grinned and looked Finley directly in the eyes. "You gonna woo me?"

Finley laughed and wrapped her hands around Leah tightly before flipping them over so she was laying over Leah. "Oh I'm gonna woo the pants of you."

Again guys, i don't read through stuff once it's typed up. If theres mistakes just tell me, I'll correct them. Hope you're all good! Im still crying about klopp. sweet k bye

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