Third Battle (Edited 1/17/24)

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Note: I don't know if this chapter is good or not. Please tell me what you think.

It took much time for the group to ventured deeper into the cavern, the air became thick with tension as they navigated the twists and turns. The luminescent fungi barely illuminated the path, creating an eerie atmosphere. Suddenly, a guttural growl echoed through the darkness, signaling the return of the beast. The sound made the humans shiver in fear.

Eve and her companions tightened their grips on their weapons, readying themselves if they encounter the beast. Storm's hackles Rose as he sniffed the air, sensing the danger coming closer and let's out a menacing growl. He scans around the area, his keen senses alert. Marick's chest grew bigger and his heart quickened. The healer drew in more air; his breathing becoming more heavy.

Suddenly, the creature appears before them.

It emerged from the shadows seemingly out of nowhere, surprising them completely. Seeing its towering form, it sent shivers down their spines. This giant beast walking closer to the petrified humans, staring at them with red eyes.

"What the f*ck is that?!" Kyle yelled, uncaring that it's inappropriate for a kid to swear.

Eve didn't bother to reprimand him, too stunned by the sight of the creature walking towards them.

"It's's literally Bigfoot." She mutters.

Mason and Julia couldn't even speak and couldn't stop shaking their bodies.

Storm immediately took a defensive stance, furs bristled and and began to bark ferociously towards the oncoming creature.

"We need to run for our lives!!!!!" Marick screams out.

The beast's fur-covered muscles rippled with each step closer to the five beings, its face with features almost similar to a human man suddenly twisted in a feral snarl. In one hand, it's holding a large club. Without hesitation, it lunged towards the group, swing its massive club slashing through the air, straight towards Eve.

The attack signifies one thing.

Another fight has begun. The third one since they started entering this forest.

Except this fight is without the three adults that was with Eve and the kids previously.

So no Jon to help with his sword skills, no Melody for long distance shooting of arrows, and no Zeke with his medical skills.

Well actually now that Healer Marick is here, he can provide medical treatment if they needed it.

Eve's training kicked in, and she gracefully evaded the initial onslaught, countering with a swift karate front kick to the creature's midsection and did a backflip to provide distance from the danger.

Her kick causes the Bigfoot creature to fly and hit a nearby wall.


Without needing to tell them twice, the group ran.

The monster shook itself from it's daze and stood back up. With a piercing roar of anger, it picks up the fallen club from the ground and immediately chases after them.

"Don't look back guys! Keep going forward!" Eve yells, adrenaline rushing to her head.

But Mason couldn't help but did so.

His eyes widen in fear.

"IT''S COMING CLOSER!" He screams out.

Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Incomplete/ Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now