The Beckett Boys *Edited 3/23/23*

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Arlene led Evelina to her home. It is a medium size wooden house with small openings as windows (like the other houses seen during the tour). Once Arlene unlocks the door, immediately children voices can be heard.

"Mother! You are back!"
"Mama! Mama!"

Two young boys rushed to greet Arlene and hugs her waist. One boy seems to be eight years old with black hair and blue eyes. The other boy, who looks to be six years old have brown hair like Arlene and green eyes. Both boys have very adorable faces that you just want to pinch.

They are gonna be heartbreakers when they get older, Evelina thought in amusement at the sight of them.

"Oh my darlings! Mother was not gone very long," Arlene said lovingly. She hugged her sons. "Where is your father my dear boys?"

"He went off to get firewood," said the older boy.

"Oh I see. Boys I want to introduce you to this young woman over here," Arlene gestured to Evelina, "this woman here is Miss Evelina Loughton. She will be staying with us until her home is finished being built. Introduce yourselves boys."

The two boys let go of their mother and looked at Evelina in wonder. The older one came forward.

"Hello, my name is Kyle Beckett. It is nice to meet you," he said a bit shyly.

"H-hello, m-my name is M-Mason," the younger boy stuttered.

Evelina tried hard not to squeal. The boys are just too cute.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Kyle and Mason," Evelina said happily, "My name is Evelina."

"E-ve...E-ve...Evelina?" Mason sounded out.

"That is right, Evelina."

"I have to go make lunch now. Is it alright with you to watch the boys while I make lunch?" Arlene asked Evelina.

"It is no problem. You have helped me so much Arlene. I don't mind watching your sons," Evelina replied good-naturedly.

"Okay, I will leave my boys to you." Arlene bent down and kisses her two sons on the head. "Will you boys promise me to be good to Evelina?"

"I will mother." "Yes mama!"

Arlene stood up. "Alright, I will leave these two in your care Evelina." She then headed towards the kitchen.

"Alright boys, what do you want to do now?" Evelina asked the boys.

"I want to go play outside!" Kyle replied.

"Ball! Play ball!" Mason yelled out, then quickly left to get his ball.

"Oh okay," said Evelina, unsure. " But I should tell your mother first."

"I'll tell her," said Kyle. " Mother! We are going to play outside! Evelina will play with us!" He yelled towards where Arlene went off.

"Okay sweetie! Go have fun!" Arlene's voice yelled back.

Mason then came back with his ball. Evelina and the boys went to play outside.

------------------< Page Break >-------------------

"So boys, what are you going to play?" Evelina asked once outside.

"We are going to play catch," Kyle answered. "There is three of us, so we have to stand in a triangle. We pass the ball to each other. If you drop it, you lose."

The three formed a triangle and started passing the ball to each other. They stood a short distance away from each other. Evelina was going easy on them since she is much taller than two young boys, but she was getting bored with the very simple game as time passed.

"Do you know any other games with this ball?" She asked them.

"" Kyle questioned while passing the ball around. "We only play catch."

I see. In this medieval like world, there is probably not many games or sports that would have existed. Evelina thought.

"How about we play a new game?" Evelina suggested.

"" Mason wondered.

"Yes.....a game called Football...or Soccer." Since I was American.

Note: I apologize that it took me so long to update. I was trying to figure out how to go on with this story since the previous chapter because of writer's block. Plus I come back home tired from work. So now I'm posting two chapters today. Thankyou for reading and please review!

Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Incomplete/ Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now