She's Back *Combined Chs 12/17/23*

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Arlene was cooking in the kitchen when she heard some knocking at her door. She headed over to the door and opened it.

"Oh my! Eve!" She exclaimed, seeing the teenage girl.

"Hello Arlene," Eve greeted cheerfully while holding a cloth covered basket in her hand.

"Eve, I hadn't seen you in a while! Come inside! The boys will be so happy to see you!"

Because Eve has been busy working in two different farms, the Becketts hadn't been seeing her much. The Beckett boys visited her from time to time but since she got busier, Eve was always never home most of the day so until she is back to her old schedule, they can hang out more often.

"I brought you something," Eve held the basket towards Arlene.

"Oh my! What is in it?" Arlene asked in wonder.

"Take a look."

Arlene removed the cloth covering the basket and gasped. Inside the basket laid apples, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, and broccoli bunches.

Beggar's Village is limited to the type of fruits and vegetables they have. There are no berries and very limited on greens.

Seeing how healthy looking the crops are, Arlene felt like tearing up.

"My lord, this is a miracle," she said, feeling emotional. The village were never able to eat nutritious food and seeing with her own eyes, Arlene felt hope.

"How is this possible? I know that you decided to help the Farling brothers farm. Was this because of you Eve?"

"I just introduced some new ideas that's all and I guess it worked," said Eve.

"What are those ideas?"

"I will tell you later Arlene. Where are the boys and your husband?"

"Jeremiah is out helping to build furniture for a family. The boys are in their room. They would be surprised to see you."

"That is the plan, to surprise them. I will go over to them."

"Don't surprise them too much," said Arlene in mirth.

"It is going to faaaaalllll! It is going to falllllllll! Kyle said in a sing-song voice.

"N-no it's not! S-stop it!" Mason whined, swiping at his older brother.

"Yes it is!" Kyle effortlessly dodged his younger brother's weak attack and snickered. "You are just bad at this game."

"Am n-not! I'm t-trying to concentrate so s-stop distracting me!"

Mason pulled a wooden block out, and half of the tower of blocks fell.

"I win! I'm the Jenga king!" Kyle cheered.

"Ughh, you are the worst!" Mason grabbed a pillow and started to hit Kyle angrily.

"Ow stop it! I give! I give!" The boys tumbled with each other on the floor.

Both boys then heard a few knocks at the door.

"Mom is that you knocking?! Ugh, please stop hitting me Mason!"

Kyle then ran towards the door with Mason not far behind ready to keep hitting his brother with the pillow. Kyle yanked the door open. Both boys gasped at the person they saw.

"Eve you're back!" They both exclaimed in happiness upon seeing her. They rushed to hug the girl.

"Oh my gosh boys! I miss you both so much!" Eve smiles brightly and reciprocates their hugs.

"I miss you Eve! Are you going to hang out with us more?" Kyle asked excitedly.

"W-will you come play with us?" Mason asked. He still has a habit of stuttering his words, although more occasionally now.

"Yes boys. I am not very busy anymore. Today, I will stay with you boys for the rest of the evening," said Evelina.

"Yay!" The boys cheered.

So for the rest of the evening, Eve plays with the Beckett boys. She spent time in their rooms playing Jenga, Checkers, Uno, and Monopoly. Of course those games are handmade with whatever materials available in the village like rocks, wood, and cheap paper. The Jenga blocks are even made by Jeremiah's woodworking skills.

Eve stayed for dinner too with the Becketts. Jeremiah came back in time for dinner and was surprised about Eve's visit. He was glad when she told him that she was done working in the Farling brothers farm.

With the ingredients she brought to Arlene, Arlene was able to makes foods like Apple pie and potato dumplings. The food is still lacking in ingredients to enhance taste like certain spices, but the food is still consumerable.

When it was time for Eve to head back to her home, it was sunset. She said her goodbyes to the Becketts, with the boys saying they want to visit Eve soon. Eve agrees to have them hang out with her at her home anytime they like as long as Jeremiah have time to bring them over. Jeremiah knows her schedule for work at the wheat farm so he will bring the boys on days she is available at home.

Eve then headed home riding her ox. She had named the ox Willy. Willy is her own ox to keep and care of. She provided grains and grass for him to eat, and even a shelter was built in the back of her home for the oxen to live. Jeremiah built it for Eve without making her promise something in return. ( Remember Beggar's Village does not have currency, they do bartering). He offered Willy to her in the first place because he saw she needed transportation to places.

Once she made it home, she led Willy to his shelter behind her house. She then looks at the space around her. You could say that the spacious area behind her house is her backyard.

"I seem to have a lot of space around here.....I think I can do a lot of free time here."

Eve then ponders a bit more. Suddenly it seems a light bulb flashed above her head. She gasped with excitement for her sudden idea.

"I can do my meditation and martial arts back here!"

Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Incomplete/ Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now