Fruits and Vegetables *Combined Chs 12/17/23*

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Note: 12/06/23 Chapters combined because they are too short.

Eve woke up to the sound of knocking outside the door of her house. She slowly stretched and got up from her bed to fix herself. After looking at herself in the water bowl from the bathroom (there are no mirrors), she headed towards the front door.

She opens her door and sees Jeremiah. In one hand he is carrying a basket.

"Hello Eve, how are you this fine morning?" Jeremiah asked cheerfully.

"Good morning Jeremiah, I am well thank you, how about you?" Eve replied back happily.

"I am also well, thank you. Did you have breakfast yet?"

"No I haven't. I just woke up."

Jeremiah brought forth the basket towards her.

"My wife made you food. She knows that you might not have enough in storage."

"Oh thank you Jeremiah! Please tell your wife my thanks and that I greatly appreciate it!"

"I will. After you eat, we can start heading out to the fields."


After she ate bread and soup, Jeremiah and Eve took a walk. He led her to one of the agricultural fields.

"Here is one of our fields for wheat," said Jeremiah, "This field is the closest to your house so it'll be a good start for you to work. If you do well enough, the farm overseer will give you freshly baked bread."

"I see." Eve watched the villagers hand harvesting wheat. She knows it will be hard work since there is no machinery to make it faster to harvest.

"Will you be fine out here Eve?" Jeremiah asked out of concern. Eve was a former noble lady after all.

"I will be fine," Eve replied cheerfully, with no sign of being bothered. "I think this is a good place for me to start working."

Jeremiah chuckled." Okay, I will introduce you to the overseer. Do you know your way back home? I can come pick you up."

"Yes, I know my way home. There is no need to worry but thank you Jeremiah," said Eve.

"When you are done please come visit us. My wife and the boys misses you even though they have just saw you yesterday."

"I'll be happy to visit, I miss seeing them too."

"Well, I wish you luck out there! I hope you get along well with the other villagers!"

"I will, thank you Jeremiah!"

After Jeremiah left, Eve just look at her surroundings. Seeing the farmers harvesting wheat peacefully in such a nice weather, she smiled.

"So this will be my new life now.....will it bring me the satisfaction I crave for?"

Jeremiah had introduced the overseer of the wheat farm to Eve. The overseer was a friendly old man who gave her a trial period before being "officially" hired. The trial period lasted a month. Since then, Eve has proven that she can be an efficient farmer.

In Eve's new life so far, she has been helping with farmwork and visiting the Becketts on her free time. Working in the wheat field helps her obtain food for her to bring home although it is limited to bread, chicken, and eggs. Eve knows that she can't just survive of those kind of foods. She needs fruits and vegetables too. Eve realized that she hasn't been eating enough fruits and vegetables to keep her body healthy.

One day while visiting the Becketts, Eve asked Arlene how she can obtain more produce.

"Fruits and vegetables are hard to come by," Arlene explains,"Our farmers have a difficult time producing healthy crops and enough yields."

"That is unfortunate,"stated Eve, "I would like to see the fruits and vegetable fields."

"My husband can take you to those fields if you like," said Arlene, " it is a bit far, so you both would have to take an oxen to ride."
Ugh, I feel like having motion sickness.
Eve have never riden on a horse in her life, or any other animal. So riding on an ox is making her want to puke. The ride feels bumpier, making her feel motion sickness. Never would she expect to experience motion sickness in her life.

"Are you okay back there,"Jeremiah asked in concern while looking over his shoulder to look at her.

"Oh I am fine, no need to worry." I feel like dying.

"We are almost there. I can see that you don't look fine. Arlene has told me you were a daughter of a Duke so you must have riden a horse before."

"Actually no I have never rode a horse before."

"Oh I'm sorry for assuming," said Jeremiah apologetically.

"It's fine, no need to apologize."

Eve and Jeremiah became silent for the rest of the journey.
Eve and Jeremiah made it to the fruits and vegetable field. They heard some voices nearby. They saw a couple of farm workers talking in frustration.

"Why do our tomatoes keep going bad!" One of the workers, a brown haired man said angrily, holding a shriveled looking tomato.

"It is not just tomatoes Jon, it all our other crops too," said the other worker, a man with shoulder length blonde hair.

"We should stop trying to grow these crops, we can just eat bread and meat. We don't need any fruits or vegetables to survive,"the worker name Jon said.

Eve jumped down from sitting on the ox and headed straight towards the two male farmers.

"Wait! Where are you going Eve?!" Jeremiah called out in a panic, but Eve pretended she didn't hear him.

"How are we gonna grow healthy fruits and vegetables Zeke? No matter how hard we try, we always failed to grow it. We should just giv-"

"Maybe there is something I can do to help," said Eve, startling the two farmers.

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