Explanation of Each Village (Edited 9/27/23)

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Eve widen her eyes after hearing Jon list the names of the villages she should stay away from.

"Jon, how many different villages are there in the outcast territory?" She asks him.

"Let me think..." Jon again had a thoughtful look.

"13." He answered.

"Can you please explain each one for why they got their names?"

"I'll try."

This part here are the 13 villages explained in an informational way instead of story mode.

Beggar's Village: Considered the village the most likely to be taken advantage of. The poorest out of the other outcast villages even though they are all poor. Evelina made their situation better. Barter system.

Pauper Village: The second poorest village. Closest village to Beggar's Village. You can't really tell the difference between Pauper and Beggar's  Village except that Pauper is a bit more well off. Barter system.

Flower Village: The people there are good at making scented oils and perfumes from flowers. There is a rare flower called the Essence Rose that can only be grown from the soil from that area. This village is probably the most well off one because they actually sell the products they make from the rose to the Draconian empire. They have a currency system because they benefit from the empire but allow bartering with the other villages.

Bastard Village: High rate of infidelity among the villagers so there are lots of bastard children. Many children there are unwanted and abandoned so they roam free around this village. Barter System.

Snake Village: The area the village sat upon have lots of snakes. Snakes is a main part of the diet of the villagers. They say the people have a snake-like personality. Barter system.

Spider Village: Actually it is rare to meet anyone from Spider Village. It is said that the village got their name from the giant spiders they managed to tame. No one really knows what the people are like. Barter system.

Poison Village: The people are good at making poisons from plants and venomous animals. Mostly like to keep to themselves. Barter system.

Hunter Village: The villagers are good at hunting monstrous creatures in their forest for food and hide. The people are quite tall too. Have a currency system but doesn't mind barter System with the other villages.

Grass Village: For some reason, the people there always seems to be out of it. Like their heads are always in the clouds. The people like to smoke and also like to sell some weird grass every time they go trade. Barter system

Brothel Village: Known for partaking in sexual activities up to the highest depraved form. Have a barter system.

Bounty Village: Rumor has it they are a village of bounty hunters. It was also rumored that they work for the empire. The most suspicious village because it is suspected that there are magic users that reside there. No one knows what the people are like and what is their agenda. Monetary system unknown.

Murder Village: The people take pleasure in killing people from other villages. Unknown how this village was started. They hate the other villages for an unknown reason. STAY AWAY FROM THEM! Monetary system unknown.

Cannibal Village: The area the village resides in lack nutrient rich soil and wildlife. Resorted to capturing people from other villages to eat them. Also steal their victim's valuables. The people had turn into savages. STAY AWAY FROM THEM AT ALL COST! Monetary system unknown.

All 13 villages make up the outcast territory of the Draconian empire. The people from the villages have no magic at all (except maybe Bounty Village), that's why they are called outcasts.

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