Treated Like a Queen (Edited 12/17/23)

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The four finally made it to the market.

"Oh wow! There are so many people out here!" Julia exclaimed, seeing the sights.

What they saw right now are many people from Beggar's Village and the other surrounding villages interacting with each other and selling things.

There are many food stalls and handicrafts being sold. There are even some forms of entertainment like a puppet show or a skit and children running around playing.

"It's pretty lively today," Eve commented.

She got off her ox and her students jumped out of the cart.

"Let's see what is happening today."

It is now the time to enjoy themselves.

The 3 children are very excited about the sight of the stalls.

"Look over there Eve! That man over there is selling fried seafood. I think I saw squid!" Kyle said excitedly, pointing at said.

"Do you guys want to go eat some? We can go over there," suggested Eve.

"Really? But we didn't bring anything to trade!"

"Then I will have to promise a service or IOU."

Beggar's Village and likely the other villages are operated with a barter System instead of currency. Since the 4 did not bring any items that can be possibly used for trading, they can do a service. If the goods or service cannot be exchanged at all then you can do an IOU. If anyone fails their promise, they can be reported and be punished by the village leader.

The 4 headed over to the seafood stall they noticed.

"Hello good sir, I see that you have a good selection of fried seafood. We are interested in the fried fish and squid. Unfortunately, we didn't bring anything to trade for it. But I promise to do any services you need," said Eve to the stall owner.

"Hmm, unfortunately I can't think of any service that needs to be done. I rather if you brought something to be traded.

"Oh...then I will promise an IOU. Do you have parchment paper and a writing implement?"

"No can do Miss. I don't do IOUs," the man rejected her.

"What?! Why can't you?!" Eve said angrily.

"I had many customers never fulfill their promise to the IOU and I kept reporting them. So at this point, I am tired of IOUs," explained the man.

"Darn it! Is rejecting IOUs actually allowed?!"

"Eve it's okay. I am not that hungry right now. We can just continue observing," Kyle suggested gently to calm his Sensei.

"Kyle is right, or we can go to another stall," Julia added.

"We can go play with the other kids," said Mason.

"I'm so stupid! I should've brought something to trade in the first place..."

"Wait boy! Did you just say that this lady here is Eve as in the Evelina?!" The man suddenly exclaimed in surprise.


"Well then," the man unexpectedly have a jolly expression, "all the seafood here is free to you all!"

"Huh?!" The 4 said exclaimed simultaneously.

"I heard of you! Who else is named Evelina in this village? The very person who discovered that animals from the sea can be eaten! All thanks to you, my family doesn't have to suffer from hunger anymore! So here, take as much seafood as you like!" The man gestured to his spread of fried seafood on his stall.

Besides fish and squid, there are also, fried, crabs, clams, eels, octopus, etc.

"Wow...that is awesome. Thank you kind sir!" Eve thanked the stall owner.

"But I feel bad that you are not getting anything in exchange, how about I-"

"It's no big deal. You and your entourage are the exception. Take whatever you want."


Later, the group got what they wanted to eat and began walking to explore more of the market.

Eve and Mason got fried fish. Kyle got his fried squid, and Julia got fried shellfish.

"I can't believe that happened Miss Eve. You are actually very famous!" Julia complimented.

"I never expected for the man to let us get some fried seafood for free," said Eve worriedly while taking a bite of the fish.

"It's are treated like a Queen!"

"A Queen...that's a bit much..." Eve furrowed her brows hearing this.

"Yes! Do you think the other stalls will react the same way as that man?"

"I don't know Julia..."

"We can just say your name and see what happens," piped up Kyle.



The other stalls treated her the same way as the seafood stall owner.

"Here Miss Evelina! Take whatever you need!" Said a random stall owner.

"These beautiful beads will look good on you! Would you like 20 pieces?! Or how about these bone necklaces?" Said another person.

"My lady, you are so beautiful! How about I give you my son!" An older woman said too jovially and pushed an awkward looking gangly young man towards her.

"No thank you!" Eve backed away and yeeted out of there while her students followed her.

"This is so weird! I know I helped a lot to improve the lives of the people in this village, but I didn't want to be treated differently!" Eve ranted to her students.

"Well what can you do?" Asked Kyle.

"I don't know!"

"But you still agreed to take that... what's it called? A dream catcher?" Julia pointed out.

Eve held out a dream catcher that was given to her for free at a spiritualist stall.

She was never a religious person, but since transmigration happened to her...maybe she needed some sort of spiritual protection.

Plus, she have been having bad dreams and hoped the dream catcher can help repel those dreams away.

"Yea..." was her only reply. Then she cleared her throat.

"Anyway, let's just continue." Let's hope not to encounter anymore weirdness today."

I don't want to be treated like some sort of Queen or any different from the villagers. I hope it will eventually stop.

Exiled Villainess Becomes Ruler (Incomplete/ Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now