Chapter Twenty-Six

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Brantley's POV:

Time seemed to move in slow motion. It took forever for the waitress to close out my check. Took forever to pack up our leftovers. Everything seemed to take forever and I knew it was because I was anxious to get Delaney out of this restaurant and out of that damn dress. So anxious in fact that I wasn't sure how I was going to make it to my truck much less all the way back to Jefferson before ripping that damn thing to shreds.

It was thoughts of that dress and ripping it off her body that stuck with me as she and I walked hand-in-hand out of the restaurant. It was those thoughts –at least that's what I was going to blame it on– that led me to tugging her down a dark alleyway alongside the building, away from the prying eyes of the public.

Being rougher than I probably should have been, I backed Delaney against the brick wall and eliminated any space between us as I slammed my lips down over hers. One of her legs instantly lifted, wrapping around my thigh. Lust took over then, causing me to lift her so that both legs were wrapped around my hips. I broke the kiss only so I could trail them over her neck and chest.

"So fuckin' beautiful." I murmured against her skin.

"B," There was a pleading in her tone, one that I knew all too well. It was that pleading that said a woman wanted more, that they couldn't wait another minute to be impaled by a man's cock.

And I was right there with her, ready to do the impaling.

With frantic movements, I slipped my hands beneath the skirt of her dress finding the sides of her panties. With one forceful snap, the lace material disintegrated beneath my fingers, freeing her pussy. She inhaled sharply but even in the low-light of the alleyway, I could see desire mixing with anticipation in her eyes. And it spurred me on.

With a careless flick of my wrist, I tossed the now destroyed panties onto the ground as I pushed her more into the wall. Y lips sealed over hers once more as I fumbled with the button on my slacks. Within moments, I was shoving my pants and boxers down my legs.

"Tell me that pussy is ready." I said, panting.

"Ready." Delaney said breathlessly.

Without another word, I lifted her slightly and positioned myself so that when she came down, it would be on my cock. When the wide tip of my cock slipped through the first tight inch of her pussy, I was lost. Lost to the feeling of it all, needing so much more. Delaney was seemingly there too, shifting her weight so that she took all of me in one movement.

My hips began to piston then, driving my cock into her tight, wet pussy. Her walls convulsed around me, gripping my cock like a vise, making me aware that this was going to be short lived.

"Don't you dare fuckin' come yet." I said through clenched teeth as I reached up and pushed the thin straps of her dress down her shoulders. The soft material fell away from her body and exposed her ample breast to me. My mouth instantly began to water, the urge to suckle her pert breasts was almost so unbearable that I couldn't fight it. Well, more like I chose not to fight it.

Without a second thought, I dipped my head and drew one rosy, handed point into my mouth at the same time as I stirred my cock deep inside her. My reward was her pussy clenching tighter around me.

"B, I'm–"

"Not until I fuckin' say so, baby." I growled around her nipple. My words made her whimper.

I let my teeth graze over the hardened point, adding the perfect amount of pleasure mixed with pain. Delaney hissed loudly as her head fell back on her shoulders and her back arched, thrusting her breast further into my face. My hips began to move faster, chasing the orgasm that was just out of reach. With each driving thrust of my cock, the whimpers and pleasurable cries that came from Delaney spurred me on, bringing me closer and closer to the release that my body craved.

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