Chapter Seventeen

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Brantley's POV:

The familiar rumble of the motorcycle as is idled beneath me was something I hadn't realized I needed. It centered me in a way that left me feeling lighter than I had in months. Which made sense considering it had been months since I had taken the bike for more than just a ride up and down the driveway just to make sure the battery stayed charged. Having two kids who both needed to be in car seats didn't allow me to ride my Harley as much as I would want. But I would never trade time with my kids in order to feel the wind on my face since time was the most valuable thing that we could have.

I pulled the bike up to Delaney's parents home, parking the bike in the drive and switching the engine off. I hung my helmet on the handle bar and walked to the door. My heart raced as I climbed the steps, forcing me to take a deep breath to soothe them before knocking on the wooden door. I'd barely lowered my hand from the door when it was pulled open, revealing Delaney.

Starting with her feet, I smiled as I noticed she had on a pair of riding boots. They weren't the kind most people had when it came to riding motorcycles, but they would definitely add a layer of protection if the worst were to happen and we ended up in a crash. My eyes trailed upwards slowly, taking in the jeans that had that distressed look for years of repeated washes and hugged her legs in just the right way. Her shirt –a tight white tank top– molded to her chest, showing off her amazing tits. My mouth watered instantly as the urge to dip my tongue into the low scoop of the neckline, my cock on the same page.

Just like it had been every time that I've seen her since she got back to town, her face had a light dusting of makeup but it wasn't so heavy that you couldn't see the sprinkling of freckles that danced across the bridge of her nose. However, she had dialed up the intensity of the eyeliner, making her green eyes seem brighter, forcing whoever gazed upon them to become even more lost in their green depths.

Her dark hair hung down the center of her back in a simple braid and all the caveman in me could think about was the fact that it would make it easy for me to wrap the long dark locks around my fist so to add a bit of pain to the the pleasure I was giving her as I fucked her from behind. Again, my cock throbbed with interest, begging me to act on the things that I really wanted to do.

Before I even realized that I had made a move, my left hand was cupping the nape of her neck and my right was on her hip and I was pulling her to me. I placed my lips over hers, feeling that jolt of electricity that I was becoming to think of as familiar when it came to her. Delaney's hands fisted in my black t-shirt as she melted into my embrace, just as lost in the moment as I was.

Reality slowly came back to me telling me that I needed to break the kiss. But fuck I didnt want to. I could stand here like this kissing her all fucking day. But doing that would be disrespectful to her parents, to her kids, and to her since I had promised her a date.

"Hey, you." Said Delaney, her voice lilty from the depths the kiss we had shared had taken her. God, I loved it when her voice became like that. It gave me a glimpse of what she would sound like as she laid naked and panting as she came down from one of the many orgasms that I was more than capable of giving. Not to toot my own fucking horn or anything but the woman I was with was my main priority and I made it my mission to make sure that I wrung every last orgasm from her that was humanly possible.

And I would... when the time was right.

"You look beautiful." I said, stealing one more quick kiss and I laced my fingers with hers. I then stepped back and lifted our connected hands above her head and urged her to give a little twirl. I'll admit, I had a selfish reason as to why I did that; I needed to see the way the denim of her jeans hugged her amazing ass. And the denim didn't disappoint. It hugged her ass perfectly, the little rhinestones across the pockets glistening in the sunlight.

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