Chapter Twenty-Two

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Delaney's POV:

"I was more worried that you would give up your position at the school because things would be too awkward between us." said Brantley as he sat on the other end of the couch from me. After the kiss we'd shared, we made sure to keep a little distance between us, a conscious effort on both our parts to ensure that things didn't move too quickly.

"I won't lie. I thought about it." I said, drawing my knees under me and settling my back into the crook of the armrest and the back of the couch, turning so that I was looking more in his direction. "But then I knew that I would not only be punishing myself, but the kids that would attend –mine included."

"You know, you amaze me," said Brantley. "If i was in your position, I don't think that I would work with someone that had hurt me in such a way."

"I knew it wouldn't be easy but because of the kids and the education that they would receive, I knew that I had to deal with my feelings and hope that I could do the job. Plus, you won't be around all the time since I know your fans are practically salivating at the mouth for you to get back out on the road and touring."

"They are." Brantley said with a sigh. "I just don't know if I'm ready for that. Going out on the road means missing time with the kids and if losing Amber taught me anything, it was that time is the most valuable thing that we have."

"I agree there. Time is the most valuable thing we have since these kids seem to grow up way too fast. But you have to think about the fact too that what you are doing with the school, the kids can be with you whenever and wherever you want them. You really won't be missing that much time when you think about it."

"But I'll miss you." He said, his words seemingly slipping out, him not meaning to actually say them aloud. My suspicion of that was confirmed when he was quick to add "I shouldn't have said that."

"No B, I want you to always say what you are feeling, whether it be good or bad. I don't want you to feel like you have to bottle up your feelings because you are worried that things are moving too fast or whatnot."

"So you want total honesty?"

"Yes. It's one of the only rules I have with Layla and Amanda. I want them to be totally honest with me about everything in their lives. If i piss them off, I want them to tell me. If I overstep, same thing; I want them to tell me." I said. "And it's not always easy for them since they have different lives that I do being married to who they are married to but I told them that I never want them to feel like they have to censor what they say because they are scared that I might run to the press with it looking for some big pay-day because they said something I didn't like."

"Well, in that case, I have a confession to make." Brantley said. Upon his words, my curiosity peaked. "The other night when we went to the Pool Room and you were talking about being friends with Chase and his wife, I left out the part where I should have said that I am friends with Chase too. I don't have to tell you that people who have the star-status that I do have some pretty well known friends. Like I told you that night, I talk to Jason, Luke, Chase, and Riley. But it was kind of a cop out to let you believe that I was only talking about Chase Rice."

"So you know Clyde and Amanda?" I said, referring to Chase by his middle name, a name that only those close to him would ever call him.

"Clyde has sent me all-access passes to every race at Atlanta, a few to Nashville, and ones to Charlotte and Dega every single year since he made it onto the cup series.I've never used them, insisting on buying my own tickets and choosing to gift the tickets to someone waiting to get into the gates at whatever track." said Brantley, shocking me. I knew about Chase leaving tickets for a handful or races at the ticket booth for people, but I never suspected that one of those people would be Brantley. But what shocked me more –and maybe it shouldn't have since it was obvious that he was so caring– was the fact that he so selflessly gave away those tickets and gave someone else an experience that they would never forget.

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