Chapter Twenty-One

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Delaney's POV:

As I sat on the couch in Brantley's living room, I was overwhelmed with the realization that Brantley seemed to have been suffering as much as I had over all this. There were dark circles under his eyes that told me he hadn't been sleeping all that much. There was a tenseness in his posture that said he couldn't relax, like he looked as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulder after what he said. But then there were his words from out on the porch, words that had come straight from the heart.

But so had mine. I'd meant what I said about how much his words had hurt me.

I didn't want to sound like I was being overly sensitive but his words had really hurt. Being called someone else was bad enough but to have it happen when the man is between your legs, when you're on the verge of coming harder than you ever have, and to have that name be the name of someone that he lost in such a tragic way, it stings a whole lot more. It forces you to get in your head and wonder if he was ever attracted to you in the first place or if he was living in some delusional state all along thinking that you were someone that you werent.

And those thoughts only got worse the more I heard about Amber.

On day two post-Brantley, I'd caved and talked to mama about what happened, sparing her the details of what exactly we had been doing; there was no way I was going to tell Mama that his tongue had been doing things to me that no one had ever done when the slip happened. When she'd heard the hurt in my voice as I retold some of what happened, she began telling me more about the woman that Brantley had lost, making me realize that the similarities between Amber and I were more than just physical. It made me realize that she and I shared more than just hair color, more than a similar build –all things that I'd already known from knowing her years ago and seeing photos of her online. But as Mama had told me about Amber's views on education, religion, and morals, it made me realize that we had more in common than I ever thought possible.

Knowing all of that, I could see where Brantley could have gotten lost in the moment but that didn't mean that it made it hurt any less.

"Dad... Nick... I don't mean any harm, but I'm not getting into the details about what happened so don't even ask. All I'm going to say is I fucked up." Brantley's words pulled me from my thoughts. And when I looked in his direction, his eyes locked with mine from where he was standing at the fireplace. "This is something that Laney and I need to figure out between ourselves, without an audience. So, I appreciate yall making this little meeting happen, but I'd really appreciate y'all giving us a little time alone to talk."

"You okay with that, ladybug?" Daddy asked. I knew he would do whatever I wanted. If I said that I was okay being alone with Brantley, he wouldn't question it and if I said that I didn't, he would sit right where he was until I was ready to either have this conversation in front of him or leave.

"Yeah, I'm okay with that." I said, tearing my eyes on Brantley in order to look at daddy.

He must have seen what he needed to see in my expression because he simply nodded his head and stood, looking over at Kolby and Keith. "Well, I guess there really is no need for an intervention after all. We got these two in the same room and it looks like they want to talk it out so I guess we better get out of here."

"I think so too," said Keith.

"Well shit, I was hoping to have to smack some sense into his big ass head." Kolby joked but I could tell there was a seriousness in his tone. Then again, I guess it was always like that with siblings; I just didn't know from first-hand experience.

I sat frozen in place, my eyes darting to Brantley more than a few times, as everyone said their goodbyes and Brantley promised to have me home before too late.

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