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Replacing the furniture in the Cullen House didn't take as long as Mari expected. Alice had fun redesigning the house as it was always left to her to do whenever they moved. Mari chipped in, but Alice always had the final say.

Everyone sat in the living room, awaiting the arrival of the wolf pack. New rules had to be discussed in regards to Marian's diet and her ability to roam onto pack lands. She also had to tell them that she was still a wolf, which would alter things more.

They'd been back for about a week now, but no one in Forks noticed the family's return. Which was a good thing for now.

Marian sat in what was now her and Edward's room, writing a letter at his desk. Marcus preferred letters rather than emails, she thought it was medieval but sweet.


Alice tried to put me in a pink sweater today. You should have seen it. A valiant try, but laughable.

It's weird, being in Forks but not on the Rez. Not in school or at the Pack House. I grew up here and I can't even leave the house without risking someone's life.

Edward can barely touch me. Anytime I step outside I can feel him wince at the sight of my skin. He blames himself. I know he does. He should. He left me.

But I still want him to. All the time. Damn heightened senses.

The wolves come today. So I get to tell them the truth. I miss them, all of them. But I remember how they smelled that first day... god.

I'm hoping now that I have more control I'll be alright. But there will always be that fear.

Even being back home, I miss Volterra. You, more specifically. You fought for a life I was ready to throw away. I'm thankful for that. For you.

Until next time,

Just as she sealed the letter, she felt the presence of Edward enter the room. She turned to find him standing in the doorway. He'd been listening to her thoughts for the past few minutes as she wrote the letter, he knew what she wanted. But still could not bring himself to give it to her.

"The wolves are almost here." Marian spoke first, standing and righting herself. She still had Marcus' cloak, which was currently laid around her shoulders. But she'd taken off the Volterra pendant in the middle and had Alice fashion it into a necklace she now wore daily. A reminder. "I can smell them a mile away."

Edward nodded, stepping aside as she moved past him out the door. "Marian," He attempted. She just kept walking.

"Stay out of my head, Edward." Mari continued down the stairs and out to the back porch. The rest of the Cullens followed close behind, Jasper and Emmett flanking either side of the hybrid. She'd already discussed it with them beforehand. They were to use any means necessary if Mari were to go out of control.

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