Pisces : Chapter XI

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Elena quickly widened her green eyes upon hearing the man's name that had just been mentioned by Agatha. Was it existed someone in the central region of the Sanctuary who didn't know him?

The guardian of the last house in the area of the zodiac temples, one of the twelve Gold Saints, the highest-ranked warrior who worked directly under Pope and Goddess Athena's order.

"Oh, really?" Elena asked in disbelief.

Agatha nodded her head immediately. She smiled subtly as she remembered the handsome face of the man who was in the middle of their conversation right now.

"Ah, I think I knew it well, the reason why you fell in love with him. But, Mr. Albafica..." Elena paused her saying for a while. "He extremely stays away from all the people here because of his poisonous blood. Since the first time I worked here until now, I have met some other friends who fell in love with him because of his gorgeous appearance. But..."

"Anyone who has a special feeling for him and meant to express it never ends up well. Whoever tries to get close to Mr. Albafica always receives an unpleasant cold attitude from him," Elena sighed slowly. "In the end, the thing they could do was only watch over him from afar, and even try to forget those feelings..."

Elena stared at Agatha's face with a sad expression. "Then, would you be all right to continue liking him if it means that you must suppress your feelings and only look at him from afar like that?"

Agatha smiled lightly upon the ironic feelings that instantly dawned on her. She truly understood with her whole heart, why those assistants chose that kind of decision toward their special feelings for Albafica.

Maybe... Agatha would also do the same if only the woman didn't receive all the miraculous blessings that she owned right now.

"I will not only watch over him from afar, Elena..." Agatha replied certainly. "Even though it must be very difficult and I have to be ready for all the worst possibilities, I will keep trying to get close to him."

Elena frowned immediately upon the response from Agatha. Her green eyes continued to stare at her friend in confusion and disbelief. "How will you do that? Wouldn't he never let anyone get close to him?"

That question from Elena made Agatha let out a long sigh. The woman looked down for a while. "Why... why is fate obliged the Pisces Saint to live that way?" her eyes derived a sad look. "He must be feeling very lonely because he always stays away from anyone and lives his life all alone right, Elena?" she muttered lowly.

Elena thought over it for a moment. "Humans are social beings. I also could feel it. It is clear that Mr. Albafica feels lonely because of always stayed away from anyone," she replied sadly. "But, if that is a must for the Pisces Saint in doing so, what else he could do besides try his best to carry out that fate?"

Suddenly, there was a heavy feeling inside Agatha's chest upon hearing those words. Maybe it was right, indeed, that Albafica showed all of those cold attitudes to her in his endeavor to carry on the fate of a Pisces Gold Saint in the best way he could.

Then, Agatha recalled her memory of the loneliness that she had to bear when she was isolated because of her infectious disease. Those sad feelings that were brought by the responsibility to live a lonely life, staying away from all of the people like that... did it exist such a fate that obliged a human to carry on those terrible sad feelings for their entire life? Was there something that could be done to change that tragic fate?

If she was thinking about Albafica, Agatha would never be able to forget the gaze from his eyes. It was the same for this time. Agatha looked down and drew the figure of the Pisces Gold Saint inside her mind again.

The Pisces Lost Canvas Story (Albafica x OC)Where stories live. Discover now