Pisces : Chapter III

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Agatha walked upstairs, heading to the Pisces Temple. The day has come to an evening. She just finished some chores that seemed to tire out her energy because she felt a bit exhausted right now. The woman decided to take some rest before going to the main kitchen of Sanctuary to help other assistants prepare the dinner for the Gold Saints, Pope, and Goddess Athena.

The resting place that first appeared in her mind was the demon rose garden behind the Pisces Temple. Because she was busy doing a lot of chores outside the twelve houses of the zodiac, the brown-haired woman hasn't come to that place for today.

Every day, Agatha always tried to make some leisure time to go to the demon rose garden. While she did some of the chores as she walked around the twelve houses of the zodiac, she always made sure to check the condition at the Pisces Temple. Probably there was a chance for her to sneak behind the temple without being seen by anyone.

This time was also the same. Upon arriving at the front terrace of the Pisces Temple, Agatha smiled after seeing the quiet atmosphere inside the temple. Her assumption was right. It wasn't yet time to deliver dinner so there weren't many assistants walking by the temple.

After waiting for two other assistants to walk outside the temple, Agatha quickly ran inside the temple. As usual, she greeted the flowers in the main hallway as she walked toward the backside of the temple.

Agatha stopped her footsteps after arriving at the terrace behind the Pisces Temple. She automatically smiled, seeing the scenery of the golden ray of the sunset shining upon the beautiful red roses that filled the whole garden. That wonderful scenery was very refreshing, making the tiredness inside her slowly fade away. Agatha closed her eyes for a while and smiled again while inhaling the pleasant fragrance coming from those roses.

She opened her eyes again. The brown-haired woman never expected that she could see the scenery of this very gorgeous rose garden in her entire life.

Agatha walked slowly inside the rose garden. She felt very grateful from the deepest of her heart, that she could enter this place while no one else could take a single step inside the garden because of the poisonous fragrance emitted by these roses. That was such a wonderful miracle that truly happened in her life.

Although she always being in this place only by herself, she never felt alone. Because she could hear the voices of these roses talking to her. That was also another miracle that made her feel very grateful for her life. After she came to Sanctuary to work as an assistant, Agatha felt that her life has been fully colored by those wonderful and unbelievable miracles.

Every time she thought about it all, she always felt so grateful and happy. The woman will always try hard to do her best while working in this place. Maybe this was her true destiny, to help the Sanctuary in this way by doing a lot of chores as an assistant.

Agatha stepped inside the garden and kneeled afterward. She smiled, stroking the bunch of red roses whose height was equal to her ankle. Although she can hear their voice, it seemed like these demon roses not always can talk with her.

Yesterday, while Agatha came to this garden and greeted them all, those roses didn't say anything. The woman then thought that maybe these flowers also need some time to gather their special powers so they could talk with the human language, the same thing as the other flowers did.

*Good afternoon, Miss Agatha...*

Agatha smiled widely after hearing that greeting. Today, demon rose talked to her again! The woman felt so glad. "Good evening, beautiful demon roses!" she replied cheerfully.

"I'm so glad I can talk to you all again..." Agatha sat in the middle of the garden, then straightened both of her feet. "I feel a bit tired today, but after seeing you all and also hearing your voices, it seems like all of the tiredness have gone away from my body!"

The Pisces Lost Canvas Story (Albafica x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz