Pisces : Chapter II

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Agatha fastened her footsteps, walking on the stairs which connected every zodiac temple. Her thoughts were still filled with what just happened to her. It was a very unbelievable thing, she felt so bewildered that she could hear the voice of those carnation flowers talking to her.

'Does it all real...? So, those flowers really can speak the human language? Then, how can they know my name...?'

There were lots of thoughts inside her mind, but at the same time, Agatha also felt so happy. She had a fondness for many different flowers since her childhood. If it was truly the voice of those flowers, Agatha felt very glad because she could hear their voice like this. Because... it must be that not everyone could hear the voice of the flower, right?

While walking on the last steps of the stair headed to the Pisces Temple, suddenly Agatha remembered the voice that made her very frightened yesterday. At the same time, she realized something. It felt like what happened at that time had some similarities with what she just found out today.

'Is it possible that...?' The woman wondered inside her mind, still walking upstairs to reach the temple.

A few moments later, finally, Agatha arrived at the Pisces Temple. She kept walking inside the building. The woman stared at her surrounding, there were many kinds of different flowers and decorative plants. She walked toward the flowers which were located nearest the entrance door of the temple.

'Those white carnation flowers... where does it?'

°Miss Agatha..!°

°Miss Agatha!°

°Miss Agatha! Finally, you have come here!°

°We have been waiting for you for a very long time!°

°Miss Agatha, we...!°

°We are going to say a lot of things to Miss Agatha!°

°Finally, the time when our voice can be heard has arrived!°

°We are so happy!°

°Miss Agatha!°

°We are very glad, Miss!°

°Miss Agatha!°

°Miss Agatha!°

Suddenly, a lot of different voices come at the same second till there weren't any words that could be heard clearly by Agatha. In contrast, the voice sounded like a loud mess that made her suddenly feel dizzy. She quickly put the goods in her hand on the table nearby and hold onto that table to regain her balance.

"Ah..." Agatha held her head with her right palm. Why did the voice of the flowers here sound like that? There were lots of different kinds of voices. Was it possible that all kinds of flowers in this temple could speak to her?


°Miss Agatha!°

°No! We can't speak together at the same time like that!°

°We will hurt Miss Agatha!°

°There are lots of things that we should say...°

°It will be better if we can say those things alternately to Miss Agatha...°

°We are so sorry, Miss! We feel extremely happy right now...°

"Ah... it's very okay! All of you didn't hurt me at all! It must be that I haven't gotten used to this new thing," Agatha said, walking slowly to approach the different kinds of flowers there. She felt so thankful, the dizziness inside her head has become better in an instant.

The Pisces Lost Canvas Story (Albafica x OC)Where stories live. Discover now