Pisces : Chapter VI

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After putting the dough of the cream puffs inside the oven, Agatha sat on a chair nearby. Then, after making sure to remember the exact time the cake should be baked, the woman started to drown in the same thought inside her mind again.

For the past few days, Agatha couldn't stop herself to think about the Pisces Gold Saint, Albafica. The man always stayed in her mind, when she was in the middle of doing any kind of her daily chores. Each time she had a little leisure time to stay still like this, Agatha felt so happy just by imagining the figure of the Pisces Saint inside her mind.

Since the first time she saw Albafica, Agatha already felt so impressed by his whole appearance, indeed. The admiration that filled her mind at that time felt so different from any kind of similar feeling that she had known in her entire life. It brought a lot of interest in her to approach and talk to the light blue-haired man. But it never crossed her mind, that her interest in the man would lead her to feel what she was feeling right now.

After could get some chances to talk with the Pisces Gold Saint, Agatha became more realized that the figure of Albafica had more often appeared inside her mind as the days went by. The brown-haired woman couldn't stop thinking about it, the very handsome face of Albafica and his beautiful cerulean blue eyes every time she stared at him while they had a conversation. The Pisces Gold Cloth somehow matched so well with him, making his overall appearance even more gorgeous. His way of walking also seemed elegant as him, the white cloak of his armor waved dashingly upon his footsteps, and all of it made the beautiful man even more perfect to Agatha.

These past few days too, somehow Agatha also often thought about the voice of the Pisces Gold Saint while he was talking. Since the very first time she heard it, Agatha had instantly liked his unique voice. But, liking it to the point that she could hear his voice in her ears... that wasn't the ordinary thing for Agatha.

Although Albafica often talked to her with a cold tone inside his voice, but... Agatha still really liked the voice of the Pisces Gold Saint which sounded so beautiful and manly at the same time. Only having those thoughts inside her head, somehow made Agatha feel genuinely happy until her heart often felt pounding inside her chest.

The brown-haired woman sighed slowly. 'How come... there exists such a beautiful and perfect man like him in this world?'

Now, in her daily life, Agatha always looked forward to the time when she could meet and talk to Albafica again. In the past few days, Agatha couldn't go to the Pisces Temple as often as she usually did because she had been given the task to substitute the role of the head chef in the main kitchen of Sanctuary. Because of it, she not only became busier but also not allowed to leave the main kitchen for too long because she must look after every cooking process of any kind of food.

Because the Pisces Temple was the last house right before the Pope's chamber, Agatha only could go there while she had some business directly related to Albafica or while she had to go to the Pope's chamber. If her task was not connected to one of them, the woman really couldn't go there because the journey to the Pisces Temple would waste a lot of her time. And until today, it had been two weeks since she didn't get any tasks to go to the temples of the zodiac or the Pope's chamber.

Agatha frowned for a while after she remembered something. Besides the beautiful things inside her mind regarding the Pisces Gold Saint, there was one thing that always earned her curiosity. Every time she stared at his very handsome face, Agatha always found some kind of feeling that was hidden inside the gaze of those cerulean blue eyes that belong to the man. She often tried to guess inside her mind, what that feeling was exactly.

Until this second, Agatha was still holding on to her primary assumption, that it seemed like Albafica's both eyes hiding some kind of sad and melancholy feeling. But that assumption of hers might be not true, right? Even if it is true, actually what was the thing that had made the very strong figure of the Pisces Gold Saint feel that kind of feeling?

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