Pisces : Chapter VIII

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Agatha glanced at the wall clock inside her room after taking a bath. It was already 8.00 P.M. Since she got the job to replace the role of the head chef of the main kitchen, it had been quite a while since she didn't get the work as a night shift assistant. Because of that, around this hour she already had arrived at the assistant's hostel to take some rest.

When in the middle of tidying up her wet hair, Agatha's attention was distracted by the sound of knocking on the door from the front of the room. She smiled widely and quickly walked to open the door.

"Elena!" Agatha welcomed the person in front of the door cheerfully. She smiled at Elena who was carrying some kind of food in two medium-sized bowls. A puff of smoke coming from the bowl made the smell of the food could be inhaled clearly by Agatha.

"Agatha! Do you have finished your bath?" Elena smiled widely toward Agatha too. "Wah, what a perfect time!"

"Thank you very much for heating the black sticky rice porridge, Elena! With this, we have a warm snack to accompany our rest time tonight!" Agatha said vigorously. "Let's come in!"

Elena walked inside the room and put those bowls on the small table in front of the only sofa in that room. "This is the porridge that we made together as the dessert for this night! I'm so happy, right now we can eat this porridge together in our room of the hostel!" she said afterward.

Agatha nodded. "Yes! I'm so happy that today you also don't get the night shift, Elena!" She hugged Elena for a while. "There are lots of things that I want to share with you!"

"Really? If that's the case, we have to start from now on!" Elena quickly sat on the sofa, followed by Agatha beside her. She took a bowl on the table and tasted the black sticky rice porridge inside it. "Ah, I love this porridge so much! The mixed aroma of vanilla and pandan, also the sweetness of the taste are perfect! You did a very great job in spicing up this porridge, Agatha!"

Agatha who was in the middle of continuing to comb her hair quickly widened her purple eyes upon hearing Elena's words. "Ah, is it true that the porridge is very delicious as you said?" she asked in curiosity.

Elena nodded her head shortly. "I'm sure about it! Goddess Athena must be liking this porridge so much!"

Agatha smiled happily. "Thank you so much, Elena! I often made the black sticky rice porridge at my house, so I already know the correct measure of all the ingredients and spices..."

Then, she put the comb on the sofa and held another bowl from the table. Agatha took a little amount of the coconut milk sauce on top of the porridge using her spoon and tasted it afterward. "I think this porridge has become more perfectly delicious because of the sauce that you made! This coconut milk sauce is so thick and tasty!"

"Ah, yes! You are right... I also spiced up the coconut milk sauce perfectly for today," Elena answered before eating the porridge inside her bowl again as she smiled at Agatha. "I'm so happy I could make this porridge together with you, Agatha. The final result is so perfect! Both of us have done a very great job tonight!"

Agatha felt so glad after seeing Elena's shining face while saying those words. "Right! I hope that all of the Gold Saints and everyone who ate this porridge will become overwhelmed in joy by the delicious taste so they can sleep well tonight!" she said cheerfully.

Elena nodded her head in agreement. "I also hoping for the same thing! This porridge is matched very well to be eaten as the dessert on the night. The taste of sweetness is perfect!" She put a spoonful of black sticky rice porridge into his mouth again and pointed his right thumb finger at Agatha afterward. "Hmm... this is truly very delicious!"

"This time the taste is very perfect, indeed! I also feel so happy!" Agatha said as she continued to eat the black sticky rice porridge inside her bowl again.

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