Pisces : Chapter VII

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"Nora, seems like your way of slicing the beef isn't right enough," Agatha said as she moved toward an assistant who was in the middle of cutting the beef for dinner meal. "You must slice it against the grain of the beef..."

"Oh, I think this way's slicing is already against the grain." An assistant named Nora replied to Agatha. "But, indeed, I can't see it clearly, the grain of this beef..."

"Nah, that must be the main problem. Because you can't see the grain of the beef clearly, then your slicing method becomes wrong, too." Agatha took a knife that had been put by Nora on the table. She squinted her eyes for a moment, observing the sirloin beef in front of her eyes more carefully.

"This is the grain of the beef..." Agatha said, revealing the right direction of the grain of the beef to Nora. "Can you see it?"

Nora nodded her head. "Oh, my! Sorry for my mistake, Agatha. I don't get used to cooking beef, so..."

"Ah, I already guessed it," Agatha replied. "It must be that you rarely see the beef, so you haven't gotten used to finding the right direction of the grain."

"If the grain of the beef aligned in this way, you must slice it against the way of the grain... like this." Agatha showed an example of how to slice the beef with the instruction she mentioned just now. "Also, try to slice it rather thinly, so that the meat will become more tender."

"Oh..." Nora paid her full attention to the way Agatha sliced the beef. "All right, I will try as you said! Once again, please forgive my mistake..."

"It's no problem!" Agatha replied quickly. "I also just learned a lot of things about how to cook many kinds of meat since I worked here..."

"You also can learn about it from now on!" Agatha smiled cheerfully, giving the knife back to Nora. "Let's try to slice the beef again! Don't forget, your way of slicing must be against the way of the grain..."

Nora nodded her head, smiling back at Agatha. She received the knife and started to cut the beef according to the instruction that was advised by Agatha before this.

"Wah, you made it!" Agatha clapped her hand after seeing the slicing method that was just performed by Nora in front of her. "That is already right! Amazing, you are so fast in learning!"

"But, looks like your sliced beef is still too thick..." Agatha continued after observing the sliced beef by Nora just now. "I think you should try to make it thinner..."

"Ah, you're right!" Nora said surprisedly after she compared the thickness of Agatha's sliced beef with hers. "Ah, okay. I'll try to make it thinner..."

Then, Nora sliced the beef once more.
"Like this... is it enough?" she asked, showing her newest sliced beef to Agatha.

"Yes, that is enough!" Agatha smiled widely. "Wah, you are so talented in cooking! I only show you a little example, but you already can put it into practice competently!"

"Thank you so much for your kind praise, Agatha..." Nora replied, feeling touched by the words from Agatha. "Your skill in cooking is also amazing."

"But, I need quite a lot of time to learn new things in cooking. I think my skill in cooking is good because I often practiced it!" Agatha smiled subtly at Nora. "If you have finished slicing the beef, make sure to boil it first before you cook it with the seasoning. I will prepare the water to boil the beef right now."

Nora nodded in response and continued to slice the beef. meanwhile, Agatha filled a pan with water and put it on the stove. Many minutes later, after the water was boiling, Nora put the pieces of beef that she had sliced inside the pan to boil it.

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