Pisces : Chapter I

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"And this is the last place of the temples of the zodiac, the Pisces Temple, Sou Gyo Kyuu."

"Wah..." Agatha still felt so amazed by all the new things she saw today. All of the zodiac temples here are very beautiful, with each of their different rocky shape building, and designs. What a wonderful scenery, all of these unique temples are located in one place, in this central region of Sanctuary.

Agatha felt that this pretty and peaceful place matched so well with the Goddess of love and justice, Goddess Athena. But, there must be lots of intruders and enemies of the Goddess who come here, which often caused lots of inevitable fights in this place. Agatha has heard in many histories that almost in every Holy War, this central region of Sanctuary is destroyed. 'It is such a pity, that in a lovely place like this, many inevitable battles must happen...' she thought, her eyes still staring at the scenery surrounding her.

Agatha walked inside the temple, after seeing the Pisces zodiac sign on the top of the building. And suddenly, a very pleasant fragrance welcomed her. 'This place is very fragrant...' she thought immediately. 'This must come from a flower. Seems like a rose fragrance...'

"The guardian of this Temple, Mr. Albafica, is going on a mission right now. So, this temple is empty." Chiara said, glancing toward Agatha.

"Oh..." Agatha nodded lightly. She liked this rose fragrance so much. It smelled very pleasant and soothing. The brown-haired woman felt a bit surprised to know that a place with a flower fragrance like this existed in the central region of Sanctuary. Until now, she always thinks that it is impossible that the Saints who lived in these temples will interested in the things such as flowers.

Agatha felt so amazed again as she sees the interior of the temple. There are decorative plants and many kinds of different flowers in pots which are placed in such an aesthetic way, making an atmosphere that she loves so much. 'The Saint who guarded this temple... he placed all the flowers and plants in a very beautiful way...' That thought kept staying on her mind as Agatha walked inside the temple.

When they reached the end of the hallway inside the temple, Agatha and Chiara were welcomed with an overlay of a park full of red roses located exactly behind the temple.

"Wah..." This scenery impressed Agatha so much until she can't even blink her eyes. All of the roses bloomed very perfectly. This was the first time for Agatha in her entire life, to see such a lot amount of roses bloom very beautifully like that.

'And this fragrance... '

Agatha turned out that the pleasant and soothing fragrance that filled the temple from the first time she entered this place mostly comes from the fragrance of the roses which fulfilled the park. The brown-haired woman felt so happy to know that there existed such a beautiful flower park in the place she works right now.

"Nah, that is all of it. You have finished walking around the twelve houses of zodiac temples in this central region of Sanctuary," Chiara said, turning her body toward Agatha. "Next, we will go to the Pope's chamber."

Agatha nodded her head. Then, Chiara turned around and walked back inside the temple. Agatha's eyes still stared at the beautiful park. The woman really want to see that park closer, so she decided to walk many steps forward to the park.




A sudden surprise fulfilled Agatha's entire body after she heard it. 'What is that voice...?' She wondered inside her mind.

*We have been... waiting for you for a very long time...*

"Hah? W-who is that?" Agatha asked immediately, which made Chiara who has walked quite far inside the temple turn her head back to Agatha.

The Pisces Lost Canvas Story (Albafica x OC)Where stories live. Discover now