An Odd Photo

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It's 1969, Amane's life had gone terribly downhill. He couldn't explain what he'd seen, felt, and heard. He couldn't even tell the one person he trusted, yet despised the most.. his brother.

No, this feeling was odd and new. One that he had heard of before, but never wished would be true. No, it was love. But not the usual.

A picture he found in his room, he didn't know how or when it was taken, but the quality was better than any camera available in all of Tokyo.

It must have been Tsukasa's, yes, he always had weird items to use. Some that seemed as though they were from the future, as if that was possible..

In this delicate print out of a photo, there was a boy, a girl, and a weird shadow in the background. Amane hadn't recognised anything or anyone in the picture, and laughed about the shadow being a ghost.

The girl had beautiful cream hair, soft amber eyes and light pink lips. She, she was adorable. She must have been popular, with her beautiful figure. Although her ankles must have been printed out of proportion.

The boy had messy golden locks, messy tie with crinkled shirt, and baby blues Amane wished he could flash in the flesh. To see him, god.. this was weird.

Looking at these people, it was unusual. It was like he had been attracted to them since the second he laid eyes on the photograph. And what he would kill to see them.. more. More angles.

This boy, he was definitely tougher than the girl, as she looked like she wouldn't hurt a fly. His smile was cuter, and more bold. He looked like he would have a lot of fun on the normal day out.

The girl seemed a little reserved, probably had a million step skin care routine. Maybe she liked bike riding?

God, why hadn't Amane looked away already? This picture was probably a stock image you collect when you buy a picture frame. It didn't matter.

But boy, did he wish he could see them again.

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